Welcome to Stacked. Link to Stacked: CLICK HERE! W00T! Brief history of Stacked: Stacked is the love-child of Lance42024 and myself, PCXVII. We started on it one night about midnight because we had just got mercilessly pwnt in Matchmaking, and we got on a roll. We didn't sign off until 4:30 that morning. The following afternoon, I woke up and finished it off; cut the umbilical cord, if you will (assuming we are still using the "love-child" analogy). Summary of Stacked: Stacked is a close-quarters, multi-level, all-out slaughter. It plays best with 1v1 all the way up to 3v3, anything more gets extremely hectic. Stacked was designed for Slayer and King of the Hill. There are two levels on Stacked. Each team spawns on a different level. On the top level, there is a hole in the middle of the floor that drops you on top of the Shotgun. The Shotgun is accessed most easily from this hole, but it is also possible to crouch jump to it from the bottom floor. There are two super lifts that propel you from the bottom floor to the top. All weapons are symmetrically dispersed and evenly distributed. Sttacked is compatible with all standard Slayer and King of the Hill gametypes. Summary of the above summary: Download this map, you won't regret it. Features: Interlocking, aesthetic appeal and unique design are only a few of the things that make this map so addictive. I've said enough. I'm pretty sure you want to see some pictures by now. A superlift looks like this... The Shotgun tower is in the center... Side 'B' of the bottom... Side 'A' of the bottom... Overview 1 of the top... Overview 2 of the top... Exiting the superlift (side A)... Exiting the superlift (side B) Sorry if the photos were a little repetitive, but it is a VERY symmetrical map. Again, here is the download link. Have fun, happy playing! -Lance 42024 and PCXVII
Re: Stacked - A symmetrical Slayer / KotH arena. The map looks interesting. Its hard to tell what the layout looks like though. Is it possible to take a farther shot of the map? You should also change the title of your thread to just "Stacked" before a moderator does it for you.
Re: Stacked - A symmetrical Slayer / KotH arena. I downloaded this map and it is much smaller than it looks in the pics... it was also very sloppy, next time try to interlock everything to make your map look neater and more attravtive so you can get more downloads!!!