Your ability to geomerge beyond normal human ability has always amazed me. That fence wall is nearly perfect. And the only other person I've seen merge a mancannon is Buddhacrane... and we all know that he is infact not human. And what's with your suddenly amazing aesthetics? I mean, I'm not saying that any of your maps looked bad, but this looks better than David Hasselhoff himself. Yeah. I went there. This map represents interlocking and geomerging used at its finest. And you've proven that you don't even need these techniques to make something amazing in creating Derailed. The gameplay, I admit, is also much better than I expected it to be. I was under the impression that the flow in and out of the wrestling ring would be very small, but during a slayer game it dawned on me that that is not a bad thing. It's like an actual wrestling match.......with guns! This sort of combat is especially entertaining if one player has the hammer, as it's thrust does not span the entire ring. I had also been worried about a lack of cover in the space between the ring and the audience. There was, however, not a resulting problem. Never was I left without a place to hide from a pursuer. The weapons were also placed very well. I've always been a firm believer that the laser should only be used in maps that contain vehicles, but this map, especially with the laser's placement, disproves my theory. It was a great way of keeping the gameplay exciting. Neither was it under nor overpowering. As one suggestion though, the maneuverability could probably have been improved. An example would be the staircase whose front is pretty close to another wall. This is usually only a minor inconvenience, but when you are being chased by a hammer, it can be a death sentence. This shows the staircase to which I am referring. Overall, I give the map a definite 5/5. And again, I can't believe you geomerged a mancannon.
Why, what is this ingenious creation? It looks clever, indeed, but perhaps.... ah. Yes. It would seem, however, that this masterpiece would be in dire need of more, how you say, "interlocking". Alas, but of course. I've told you my feedback on this map so much that I don't really need to say anything here, mkayz? mkay. Rawfl/Waffle
Another Great Map from Linubidix Map: Squared Circle Creator: Linubidix Reviewer: TNF It's good to know you took some time to get this map finished because it was really worth playing on. It seems you not only put a lot of time making this map, but also planning it out. Normally I don't see maps that have a completely connected theme. And even though it took me a week, here's my review. (It's not a review hub review either, I'm going to make up the template as I go.) Waffle. Game Play: 9.5/10. Squared Circle had great gameplay. First off, the map was big, and with more players, it's more crazy and fun. One of the big things I liked about this map's gameplay was that it didn't seem like an empty Foundry with "Cover"/"boxes" laying around. The way you had it laid out, the multi level platforms surrounding the center wrestling ring. This created great gameplay because it seemed that the map had advantages in certain areas and disadvantages in some areas, such as the default floor near the centerpiece. And making the platforms, AKA "Seats", have a top and bottom level made the map feel and play even bigger. Most of the big problems in maps today are being teamed, spawn killed, camp killed, and killed while making a difficult jump/ lack of ramps. None of these problems were in your map. Overall the gameplay flow was phenomenal, all of my friends enjoyed playing on it, and none of them had any problems. For once, having shield doors didn't kill a map, as long as the tester played on the recommended player amount. Layout/Aesthetics. 8/10. The layout of this map did make the map have great gameplay, but there were a few things that didn't really look good to me in Squared Circle. First off, there were a few bumps. Most of them were on insane geo merges, like the stairs, but a few were on the seat platforms. They can be fixed, but they didn't effect the gameplay at all. I just noticed them while being picky in a forge-through. Otherwise, I really liked your layout, the overall interlocking and geo merging is very professional and clean. Having the idea of the map being a wresting arena is good because a lot of maps made on Foundry today don't really connect or represent anything. Me and my friends also noticed to unique and interesting things on your map while forging and playing on it. First off, there was a box of barriers, surrounded by window panels, with shield doors inside of them. I'm guessing it was supposed to be some type of platform with water in it. I really liked that for some reason. Secondly, the geo merging was one of the things I really got caught drueling on, which I mentioned earlier. Another thing I saw that was unique was the center piece. The sledge hammer was a great idea by the way. The center piece was a good area to take cover and to set up on. The final thing in my perspective that was aesthetically appealing was the geo merging in the back halls. You were the first person on forgehub to ever do it and you continue to still incorporate it into your maps, which is a great thing. The fence wall in the back room looked great, you need to show me how to do that sometime. The only reason two points were deducted is that it seems some of the interlocking and geo merging was a little sloppy in some spots, but I'm picky, so that's your call. Overall 9/10. I'm really glad you finally got the chance to finish Squared Circle, and it seems to me you're always surprising me with all of your map ideas. It was an honor to test it out and to laugh at my friends when they thought they spawned outside the map, or thought they had broke your map. I like to make these reviews an average length, but I only get to the important stuff, layout and gameplay. Not the original review template: Gameplay, layout, looks, aesthetics, playability, fun-ness, uber coolness, uniqueness, strange areas, waffle, good aspects. Congratulations on another great map and I hope to see many more of these outstanding maps in the future. There are no changes I suggest you make on this map, as it was perfect. Hopefully my review was as accurate as it sounded to me.
Ok let me rate this map Good use of interlocking i enjoy reading this "epic story" It blew me out of porportions this map is a extremeley good map made by Linubidix its not messey at all in my eyes but is very intresting and competitive keep up the good work 5/5Your friendley neighborhood map reviewer
Okay, before I do a massive response again, thanks everone. Seems my previous posts on maps have encouraged and ispired others to do the same. I thank you for the great read. I took your advice, although I think I used a slightly different shade. I did manage to make some epic Br moments huh. Thanks. I appreciate your review but it's my opinion that you were a bit harsh. Just my opinion, but I respect you saying what you feel. Aesthetics ususally come second for me. Gameplay is top priority. The upright bridges are the stage. They separate the stage from the backstage area; gorilla position. Did you actually play it? I speant a fair amount of tweaking with the weapons; getting them exactly how I wanted without compromising gameplay. THe middle is supposed to be open, thus leaving the player at great risk when trying to rush the flag or acquire the Hammer. Thanks. I myself have speant countless hours jumping and walking around on this map, contemplating whether or not to forge. I hate you; I hate how you're able to trick me on my own damn map, sneaky poop head. I'd say you would've played it nearly as many times as I have. Serious games that is. Whenever I had a party over 6, you seemed to be there. I've come to love the appear offline ability, it has helped me progress in my maps without many distractions, no offense to anyone. Your suggestion with the weapons helped. It helped me with ideas of what to do. I really wanted something hard to pull of with weapons and I thank you for your contribution, again. It seems you picked up on everything I was trying to acheive in gameplay. It's more so a Slayer map, but it comfortably supports One Flag. I really wanted to utilize the symmetric and asymmetric features. And after some testing, that back teleporter made one flag too easy so I turned it off. Also, thanks for the few adjustments in spawns. They also helped. Next Version? No thanks, if I ever get a capture card myself, I'll do my own vids. Thank you, it seems you too picked up on everything I was trying to acheive. When playing with a party of 4 it can take on a mythodical pace. When doing 2v2 it can be very tactical, I suck at tactical but yet I made it work very well. Well, I don't have much else to say about that other than thank you because you pretty much summed it up. Indeed that was what I wanted. Easy access and possibility to rush/rush to the flag but getting it back is the hard part. As without the aid of the tele it's very hard. Which is how CTF should be done. Diversity and variety were two things I really wanted. I wanted a lot from this map, a lot of things which hadn't been done much. I feel I pulled it off rather well. lol, the man cannon was rather easy. I just set it to place at start no, put a door where it was. Forced spawned it, grabbed it and positioned it... easy. A very great analogy, Wrestling with guns. I'm surprised at myself for not making a custom gametype along those lines. I'll take your suggestions into consideration for a possible v2, if I really need it. lol, fairly close to spamming there, eh? Rawfl Waffle. lol, I love it when people claim to have broken it. When they aren't even able to. Ironically enough, I prefer pancakes over waffles. The barriers were just supposed to be sort of a matress like thing. If you've ever watched those big spots in wrestling where they jump off the stage that was what that was supposed to represent. Likewise for the other side. THe sheild door was placed so that nades didnt get caught. I loved your review. Thanks everyone, for your excellent feedback.
this map is awesome, why is it not being noticed? and why is it only a 4, i still havent gotten a chance to play it, but i can tell by the layout that the gameplay will prosper. the amount of weapon variation is mind boggling (yes i said it) and the geomerging is fantastic. i love this map. 5/5 get with the smartness people.
Ha ha, thanks man. I'd much more prefer, 5 pages of serious; long reveiws than 15 pages of "nice interlocking"
*cough* bayonetwork *cough* so anyways, i dont see it not being noticed, i think its doing fairly well actually with the state of the competitive section from school and all. Hes right as well, 5 pages of serious long reviews owns any day.
Get it right, Bayonetwork had 25 pages of "nice interlocking". In amongst that were some serious comments. lol I don't see it being un noticed. It's been out for about a week now and it's gotten over 100 downloads and nearly 5 pages. With the new status quo, that's pretty good.
Nice interlocking. =D I no spam in your thread, Linu. I find that offensive and untwue. This is not spam. I am lying in this sentence. paradox ftw?
Here's what I think of it: wow this is good nice interlocking and merging looks good 5/5 dling now good job
stfu, silly beans. How did the dling go. Were you successful? What did you like? Did the interlocks and merges make you happy face?
Why thank you for your lovely spam, good sir. Would you mind telling why it is you believe this is a really good map?
SRSLY..he didn't even type that, he just pres ctrl+V in every map topic lol. On topic, your map looks extremely well built. I downloaded it earlier but I haven't gotten to have a game on it yet. I love the fact that you put a laser on the map, yay for making the laser a non anti vehicle weapon. Anyway, form the pictures it looks like youve got some cool aesthetics and it looks like a decent BR map. I'll update with my thoughts on gameplay after I give it a go.
wow this looks like a really good map 5/5 nice interlocking i justdl'd and th intlocking made me happy face. the merging made me happy face. I would say the armory is bad, tho, and it probably needs more intlocking and merging to make it smoother so when you are walking there is no bumps. and maybe it probably needs some more cover. It looks too open, needs more cover to prevent thekilling of the player. Also it has way too many power weapons and needs more interlocking. 15/5
Pwm This is REAL nice man... I rarely comment on maps but this one I had too... ISsss NICE I cant get my head around how you got that Fence Wall in there, Makes me angry and want to Sneeze at the same time...WTF? Na I Love it... Well Done on making a Playable Wrestling Map (PWM)