Squad Battle -- yea or nay?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JJ3672, Sep 23, 2008.


What do you think of Squad Battle?

  1. Amazing. Probably my new favorite playlist.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Solid. It's a fun diversion, and at least better than RBTB.

    6 vote(s)
  3. On par with RBTB. For better or for worse.

    2 vote(s)
  4. Meh. I'll play it every once in a while, but nothing special.

    3 vote(s)
  5. Sucks. Worse than RBTB by far.

    1 vote(s)
  6. What the hell is Squad Battle?

    1 vote(s)
  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Just wanted to see what you guys think of the new ranked playlist, Squad Battle. For those who don't know, it is a 6 v 6 playlist including all medium/large maps featuring slayer and CTF (maybe assault?) games.

    I think it's an adequate replacement for RBTB myself, especially as it seems to have less lag and finds a game faster (or maybe that's just because everyone's playing right now). So far, no complaints from me.

  2. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    I dont know yet i havent been on yet but ima get on soon then ill let u know. im gonna say yae for now because hopefully it will be more like btb. i loved BTB, when they said they were getting rid of btb and rocket race, i was like the f*ck with rocket race! whats wrong with BTB?
  3. TheShadyGnome

    TheShadyGnome Ancient
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    Not enough people playing it. What a lot of people don't realize is that if they have too many playlists, especially those that have fewer people playing them, the whole population spreads and nobody gets timely games. It's all about concentration. BTB had a good run, considering they were originally going to get rid of it in, what, June? July?

    But to the topic, I love Squad battle. It's my second favourite current playlist. :) Now if only it was legendary required, then it could properly fill the void left by DLC Objective... 6v6 is better than 8v8, in my opinion (lag and all things considered, not just gameplay).

    I also remember reading on b.net that it's just Slayer and Capture the Flag, no other objective gametypes. I'm eager to see what the actual breakdown is, once bungie updates the playlists page.
  4. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    I think it shouldn't be too bad. Hopefully the decreased size could allow for some other maps to be played. I would love to play construct with 6 v 6, it would allow more uses for those support weapons. I don't think it will change drastically game-play wise as that is still enough people to give a large party feeling and to use similar strategies as RBTB.
  5. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I've only seen Slayer and CTF so far, but CTF always seems to get vetoed for whatever reason (fl4g iz 4 n00bs, teh BR iz pro) so it's probably about 80% slayer.

    The last game I played, the other guys in the party vetoed 1 Flag on Valhalla for Big TS on Isolation. Needless to say, I wasn't happy.

    Construct is on the Squad Battle map list, I've seen and played it once so far. I'll say that it's a bit too cramped, but nothing unmanagable. Basically just more kills and more deaths for everyone.

    I'd still say that Last Resort, Standoff, and Valhalla are the best maps for this.
  6. TheShadyGnome

    TheShadyGnome Ancient
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    I'm really eager to see the actual breakdown of gametypes and maps but Bungie hasn't updated their Matchmaking Playlist page for September yet.
  7. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    i think big team was a little bit to hectic. squad battle is alot better especially with the edited maps.
  8. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    Yay, since i <3 CTF.
  9. TheShadyGnome

    TheShadyGnome Ancient
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    After having played more Squad Battle, I take back what I said. I love the idea (Slayer and CTF games, 6v6 ranked) but Sand Tarp has too much splaser (needs either less of them or an increased spawn time), and Valhalla Heavies is just terrible, I'm sorry.

    Again, I'm eager to see the exact weightings once they update their Playlists page. Hopefully I've just been unlucky and these games don't appear as often as they have been for me in the day or two we've had to play it.

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