V2.0 isn't very different than v1. Due to many requests, i've added more cover, weapons, and spawn points. For those of you that would like a weapons list, here it is. Weapons: Energy Sword x 2 Magnum x 2 Assault Rifle x 2 Battle Rifle x 9 Covenant Carbine x 7 Shotgun x 2 SMG x 2 Sniper Rifle x 1 Rocket Launcher x 1 Brute shot x 2 Machine Gun Turret x 1 Plasma Cannon x 1 Fuel Rod Gun x 1 Beam Rifle x 1 Vehicles: Warthog x 1 Ghost x 2 Equipment Bubble Shield x 2 Regenerator x 1 Deployable Cover x 1 Active Camo x 1 Overshield x 1 Those would be the weapons, now for the description. Story They heard a shot in the distance. It sounded like a beam rifle shot. "Luke, go check it out!" Ordered Sargent Anderson. After grabbing the binoculars, Luke replies, "Sir, you're not going to like this, but there's a Covenant training camp on the other side of this valley." "Damn, it's about to get real ugly. Team, lock and load!" Ya, i know, it was a short story. Camp is a map good for all gametypes. It is a symeterical map that is supposed to be about the group of humans fighting off, and looking to destroy the Covenant. The humans of course spawn at the campsite shown it the picture. The Covenant spawn spawn on the other side of the map. The campsites are NOT supposed to be like a heavily fortified base, they are just a spot to spawn at and plant bombs. Here are some pics: New Covenant base Overview 1 Overview 2 Middle Same old human base Sorry about no action shots, just had nobody to play with lol. 8-16 players. Download Springbrooke
no offense but this map needs way more it looks to plain it seems as thought all you did was add a couple things to parts and called it a new map. idk thats my opinion ill dl just to see how it actualy is
as i said before, it isn't very different from v 1. I did add more spawn points, weapons, and i made the Covenent base more authentic. EDIT: i just didn't have anybody to play with. if you want to test with me right now, my gamertag is xpistolxwhipper
is there anyway that a moderator can move this to some other forum then? if so, plz do. and 8-16 players.
maybe you should have spent more time then and hour or two and made some BIG improvements instead of little improvments what you should have done is made more structures(buildings bunkers bases) like the splazer tower or the sniper tower and more vehicles all i see is 2 goast its a big map put in some banshees and if your going to have lots of vehicles have anti vehicle weapons(but test it first so neither is overpowered) also didnt you just post v1 like 3 4 hours ago? btw did you even test this with people or did you just post it here and hope we test it for you?
yes, i did post v 1 not very long ago. this was just one of those maps that i felt like making for no reason what-so-ever. I will start making more structures though. Thanks for all the feedback. And seriosly, move this to some other forum.
Thanks, and it's hard to make a complicated map on Standoff. The only interlockable items are double open boxes, bridges, and fence boxes -.-