Very simple sig, i didnt want it to be to complex, but im trying to make something with large text, i love large text haha i have one where the text is bolded, smaller and hidden beneath the girl, and one where it is normal, bigger, and in the side of the image. So a nice cnc, and tell me which one you like better would be appreciated, and dont worry, all these girls are of age haha Bolded****-1.png Non-Bolded****.jpg v2 bolded****2.jpg v3****3.jpg This is not to show off my mediocre photoshop skills, just to have a nice sig
go bold, make text slightly smaller (like two sizes smaller) and stay behind the boob. Might look better if you go with a slightly dark gray (25% white 75% black) and possibly desaturate the background a little more, to bring the pink in the front girl's hair out a little more. I won't tell you to do any stuff like adding C4D's in because I never do that either.
I think the lighting on her chest is too intense and, like Aschur said, the text would look much better were it a slightly darker shade. Perhaps add some slight transparency to it as well. Also, the text is sort of pixelated looking in certain spots. I ♥ simplicity.
i did just that, and i think it looks better imo, although the text looks alittle brown or gold almost, even though its above the gradient layer? idk how that happened****2.jpg Edit: changes in saturation and hair are extremely slight, because i didnt want to over do it
2 separate focals. Define the text or the girl, otherwise both draw your attention and creates a disparity of sorts.
well how would i go about defining the girl? because i dont think blurred text would look good, and blurring the girl is a bad idea aswell, im not really knowledgable in the depth category
do a slight blur on the text. You should then have the main girl as the focus (foreground object), the other girls as the background, and the text somewhere in between the two (less blurred than the girls, but more than the focus) As for the outline I believe he meant around the entire thing. I agree that an outline (border) would look okay, I usually opt for only doing the border on the top and bottom so that it looks like horizontal stripes. (I don't think an outline around the girl would look good at all.)
Put border, lightened hair, desaturated BG, blurred text alil to blend with BG, blurred a space stock i used because it looked kind of awkward in some spots, blurred some more of the BG, added border, bad thing is i can't undo any of this because my photoshop was ****ing with me****3.jpg
Exactly what you said, but maybe add a tiny bit of shadow behind "****" so it's clear it's above the girls (perhaps at 10-15% on multiply). What I would have done with the text is just make it small and clear, but I'm guessing that's not the message you wanna convey... in most cases, though, I would strongly recommend having text sharp and small, it makes the sig that much more polished and nice-looking.