
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Boris Way, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. The Boris Way

    The Boris Way Ancient
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    Map made by: Mearm and Parune

    Layout: This map is an urban-like map combined with a wacky-like map. Main focus is used for free for all, so we added many different things to play on. It is easier to split it up in sections, so I did. Going counter clockwise in corners are the sections 1 2 3 and 4.

    Section 1: Most urban-looking part of the map, also the most open. It may look nice, but has a disadvantage with height. Mostly used for a route from place to place, but does a good job of it. Weapons include battle rifle, carbine, 2 plasma grenades, 2 plasma rifles, regenerator, and a machine gun turret.

    Section 2: Most close-quarters, rag-tag, down and dirty section. Including many inclosed places, harbors one of the main bases. Weapons include battle rifle, rocket launcher, 2 plasma grenades, deployable cover, trip mine, sniper rifle, 2 maulers, needler, and a brute shot.
    Section 3: Serving as not only a route to the other base but as a source of great cover, this section also features a sniper tower, although easy to get to, you might be greeted with a bullet through your head. Weapons include sniper rifle, overshield, battle rifle, 2 plasma grenades, and a shotgun.
    Section 4: Being the most superior at height, it seems like a hard task to break in, but the eye can be deseptive. Also features a hole in the wall leading to the first section, along with a less exciting hall way to the first section. Weapons include needler, 2 smgs, sword, power drain, 2 maulers, carbine, and battle rifle.

    Gameplay: Map supports all types of gameplay, but mainly based on free for all modes. Recommended game modes are CTF, Assault, Territories, Team Slayer, and Slayer. Here are some pictures of gameplay on the map (done by me and Mearm, because no other players were with us at the time):
    Failed sniping attempt.
    The hole in the wall isn't as protective as is may lead on.
    Not too fond of this part, it seems a little too unreal tournamenty with the grav lift into a base part. Thats why you have to greet them with a nice, toasty point of an energy sword.
    A shortcut into section one helps from having to run across the map. Although your enemies can chase you too, so dont get lazy.
    Shortcuts are on both sides, so keep a look-out.

    Credits: This is one of few free-for-all maps me and Mearm have made so far so we are a little amateurish. Also thanks to Mearm for letting me work with him on his map and thanks to him for coming up with it. Download Sprawl here:
    Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    This is my first map post so if I left anything out please tell me.
    Comments on the map are welcome and needed.
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    looks like a good map my opinion is some interlocking and it would be perfect but since i dont see any interlocking im gonna give it a 4/5
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    needs more Intarlocking
    take out so many power weapons and yeah...
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This map looks good for FFA and 3 v 3, I would suggest that you used more interlocking and merging, I can see some merging and interlocking but it need some more, 4/5, And you might want to flip those bridges upside down for a more smoother walk. ;)
  5. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    looks like a great map with a great idea behing
    xpwx stealth is kinda right and wrong though
    there is interlocking, but very minimal and i would add some to make it perfect
    v2 is a must
  6. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Looks like one of those maps that are great for gameplay that are a little nuts! However as you've probably read already you should probably interlock a bit better to get the best out of your idea 3/5

    Keep Forging!
  7. The Boris Way

    The Boris Way Ancient
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    Yeah, I though the interlocking issue would come up, I will get on that in a next version. I will inform Mearm of that soon.
  8. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    i like the layout but i feel like you interlocked some unneccesary things and didnt interlock some things that should be (fence bridge should be)
    i like it

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