Sports Gamers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XxTexasHornxX, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Am I a lost sports fan in a sci fi shoot em up world? If any of you play sport games or heck even guitar hero, hit me up online i play for fun but when it comes to football games i play with the best.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    im not a pro player, but i play alot of sports for fun...and i always feel like playing online, but usually their impossible to beat and no fun. heres my games:
    Madden 08
    All-Pro Football 2k8
    NBA 2k7
    MLB 2k7
    NHL 08
    Orange Box
    Guitar Hero 3
    Guitar Hero 2
    Rock Band
    Fight Night 3
    Splinter Cell: Double Agent
    Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
    ESPN NFL 2k5
  3. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I just play Halo, and Guitar Hero for fun which im pretty good at but nothing compared to some people, but then I am pretty darn good at sports games. I play pretty much any sports game for fun but in Madden, NCAA, and NCAA March Madness i have been ranked in the top 100 in all 3 at some point. March Madness i got 5 because hardly anyone plays and when i beat the best player in the nation he invited me to a tourny, lol. I was also top 50 madden which was pretty tough to do because of the community and number 6 in NCAA when the game first came out in 07 but dropped to top 30. All three of those were for 07 games when i had time but now i just play every once in a while but am pretty tough to beat. Yeah I am pretty proud of my sports video games accolades (sarcasm) but i play legit and will use my sports knowledge to hand with any glitcher.
  4. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    NHL 08 & MADDEN 08 FTW!!!!!
    I suck though :D
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    yea if someone wants to play with me, they have to realize i play Madden on Pro or MAYYYBBEE All-Pro, and most sports games on the medium level..except rock band/guitar hero...i do hard on guitar, medium drums
  6. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Bro, I didnt catch your other post about sports games my bad. It appears we are the only two who care for non shoot em up games.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    :p yup...

    hey while i have someone who knows sports games...:D
    i wasnt sure about NBA Live 08 or NBA 2k8...for me, visuals in sports games matters. i want everything to look just like the real game, both in visuals and i kinda loved NBA Live 08 when i rented it, except it was too fast, too much steals, and too many points in the paint. NBA 2k8 was great, but felt plasticky, kinda fake...just nobody looks right...also theres more animations in 2k, but live's looked spot on, especially among the people i tested...kobe's was just perfect...we saved a clip of him making a nice shot and it looked really close to a real which do u like?
  8. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I have always been an EA guy and I really don't get 2K's graphics they don't look good to me, and like you said they look plasticky. I know some people really care about pre game animations and stuff but I don't care about that stuff, I just like great gameplay and graphics which EA excels in more than 2K does although they don't have the pre-game and what not. EA definitely has flaws and is really spoiled by no real football competition, so I am excited for EA's contract to end, not to buy the 2K football game but to boost EA's. Also I don't know if you have heard about backbreaker but it has new tackling animations and it might not make it or it might get bought out but it shows the direction sports games are going in, just EA has always been able to reel in sports fans that love the game of college football and they want a good simulation so they are sucked in to by it. People always say they are done with the product of Madden or NCAA but they always come back because they are sports fans and EA is so spoiled with competition. I hope Backbreaker or whoever might get those rights, and 2K give EA some competition.

    Since you are a sports gamer, I take it that you are also a fan. Who are your teams?

    I am a diehard Texas and Oregon fan (both didn't live up to the hype in football but hoops we should both be good), also I am a huge Cowboys fan, and Spurs fan. I will also cheer for any NBA or NFL team with Texas or Oregon players on it and any Texas professional team or Big 12 team outside of OU. It is safe to say I am spoiled right now with my teams, I used to be so big on Spurs where I would never miss a game but now I could care less in the regular season unless I go to or flip to it because we are boring and always win. Come playoff time though I don't miss a game, and Oregon, Texas, and Cowboys i never miss one. All my programs are doing really well right now.

    Here is the backbreaker link if you haven't heard of it, it is very futuristic first person football game focus on tackles coming out next year that should lead to good things in sports games.
  9. shaba_levi

    shaba_levi Ancient
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    my games library is extremely extensive, i play games for'll catch me playing Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Halo, Guitar Hero, Orange Box, Conan, GoW, Lost Planet, Crackdown, Two Worlds, Prey, Ghost Recon, Oblivion, PSU, Fuzion Frenzy, Lego Star Wars, and jeeze a lot more, PGR, needa life, lol
  10. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    No, you just need more GAMES :D
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i go for all the detroit teams (Lions, Pistons, Tigers), i also like the Chargers (terrible season tho :( )
  12. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I take it you are a Michigan fan then, I like the Lions because they have 3 Texas players on them.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    did u see their last game? OMFG :p
  14. shaba_levi

    shaba_levi Ancient
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    lol EXACTLY!
  15. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    My least favorite type of games are sports games. I do like Wii sports though...
  16. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    I like sports games, but not as much as shooters and other games ::)
  17. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I agree flip shooters are better games and its sad when sports fans that are as bid as me play shoot em up (only halo for me) as much as their own sports games because of the game quality. That shows how many people play halo because if i play halo a lot then die hard shoot em up fans will play halo non stop. Its sad that no non sports fans play sports games and the ones who do play sports play other games more or dont play sports games at all except for a select few.

    That was my rant on how pathetic sports games are compared to games like halo.
  18. SniperTofu

    SniperTofu Ancient

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    Honestly, sports games (besides racing) aren't hard at all.
  19. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    tried figuring out all the little parts of madden? its pretty tough
  20. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Meh, some sports games are decent. I get bored fast in them.

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