Spore is a pc game comming out on Septemper 7th and it is by the creaters of Sims and Simcity I have been waiting 3 years for it and you play the role of god creating a organism at the stage of the cell and grow it into a creature then tribe then civilization and finnaly space. Site can be found here ------> www.Spore.com
yea this game is going to be awsome also check out the spore supersite - xspore.com I can't believe we finally get a release date that makes me so happy. I heard we are also getting a creature editor demo before the game is released.
This game sounds amazing, I wonder if my crappy PC can support it. Does anyone know what kind of graphics crap its going to require?
Prety sure they wont push it back farther and the creature editor demo is going to be awsome im going to make some of the covenant species like Elite Hunter Brute Grunt And Jackal. Drones might be tricky because there is no flying element in the game