The Spore Creature Creator (Spore demo) is out now, download trial at You can also buy the full creature creator for $10, with access to all the parts.
I downloaded it last night. It is cool and all, but I wish I could get the full version to get more variety.
I downloaded a To***nt that added more then half of the parts, but forge hub does not condone illegal file sharing, so I'm not allowed to share any links. EDIT: Here is my first creature
I downloaded. Too bad it doesn't work on OSX 10.5.3. Upgraded technology FTL. I was hoping to make a bear.
I am slightly disappointed that the developers had cut out the water stages in spore. sad faic... that would have been really neat, seeing the water version of a bear. lol. This is one of my creatures. I think it is pretty cool. I made it in like 5 minutes.
I saw the developers' video on E4. Don't watch that channel that much, but just happened to be clicking through. I thought it was some kind of Reply, like from old shows they used to have, because it hoenstly didn't impress me that much. OK, so you make the creatures. Then what?