Spooky map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by astronum, May 25, 2008.

  1. astronum

    astronum Ancient
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    You see all sorts of haunted mansion in this place but barley ever a true scary map, were zombies taut you and zoom around on your motion tracker, but arnt their, and the key to win is to "herd" them into a trap

    i do need some (a lot) of suggestion to make this map work before i start making it

    What i have so far:

    World war III
    a transport truck flees from battle and crashes into a town, they go into the town. they here a grow (unsure what to use for it) their is a house in the centre of the map, and a closable door, but to close it you must be on the outside, (sugeestions for this) the door gets locked into place, their are other doors in the house closable, and when the first growl is heard the zombies approach, first from north, then all over the place, if they manage to close all of the doors then their are secret air vents from the roof (also need help with)
    #1 astronum, May 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  2. Fishequaltunaew

    Fishequaltunaew Ancient
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    invisable zombies
  3. Curran92

    Curran92 Ancient
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    zombie games can be really spookey if you use one of the color effects on the new maps
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    With Forge Filters, it just becomes plain annoying. I'd say give the zombies Radar Jammers aswell.
  5. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Lack of scenery lighting and effects make it hard to give a "scary" atmosphere, much less any atmosphere at all -_-
  6. Halfspeed

    Halfspeed Ancient
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    I would use ghost town on the lgendary map pack and pick a spooky forge filter
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Invisable zombies are lame as -censoredz!-.
    There nothing more retarded than just randomly dying and not even knowing where it came from.
    There no real way to make what you want.
    Maybe have an underside of a mazelike structure and have several points where the zombies can drop down from there part while zipping around driving the sensor nuts.
    Make the zombies weak and easy to kill to compensate for ambushes.
    The trick would be to givem radar jammers and put amrkers on the humans.
    This way they would have to use em to separate the humans.
    Send one guy down with the whole group there,throw a jammer down,wathc em scatter and send the group that they htink is the jammer to jump the fleeing humans.
    Just a thought :S probly wont work so well but give it a shot
  8. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    OK, first don't make the zombies invisible, whatever you do.
    Now, the map. For things like this, I find multiple-leveled maps work well. The dot is right on top of you on your radar. Are they above, below, behind you...!?! So, yeah.
    You would most likely want the zombies to be weak, possibly 'Team SWAT' style health. Give them other perks though, speed, enemy markers etc.
    Well, hope it works out.
    Good luck!

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i did exactly that

    this is not a cross-promotion - i will be publishing it later this week, but you can have a sneak peek for inspiration if you would like to PM me

    it uses some of Snipers Stealth's, Supa Midget's and other's ideas listed here and is as close to spooky as you can get - it helps if you saw Steven King's The Mist as it has some elements from the film - there are even monsters that appear - the ghosts (zombies, creatures, whatever) appear out of the mist right in front of you (they can see you just fine) and you can easily kill then if you keep your wits about you - if you are really good you can even win

    also, the map starts with an eerie glow then completely changes after the mist arrives, almost every thing on the map is on a 20 second/not placed at start timer - stairs that once went down now go up, doors are now walls, it's raining cones ... to disorient people who are familiar with the map and make them equal with the new players
  10. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    ooh.For added spookiness throw in some silent hill for when the mist arrives.
    Look up i am legend the map and use its klaxon bell (it was a soccer ballbeing thrown against a fence box.The noise could be the radio going nuts :)

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    the mist is started by a timed propane tank explosion

    i wish there were fence boxes and soccer balls in Ghost Town - i did use power-ups (downs) as spooky eyes in the tunnel and cave, and the over-shields as monster heads

    i think i will post this sooner than expected, maybe tomorrow - look for "Welcome to my Nightmare"
  12. astronum

    astronum Ancient
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    well after tonns of reaserch(not much) i have found that hiding maps are normaly best, an after looking at the hidden masters

    i know quite a lot of hiding spots

    im actually thinking of starting an construct map, i mean i don't think there has been many infection maps on that plus barley anyone usses the old pas nowadays

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