Hello everyone, I read about this place on the front page of Bungie.net and thought it would be a great place to share my map variants. I am also an admin at a very successful Halo 3 site (link can be found in my sig). Our site was featured on G4TV (attack of the show) on the night before the Halo 3 release. My gamertag is SPOC XLI (the XLI means superbowl XLI, because my team is the champions right now) and you guys can feel free to add me on XBL. I'm in to NFL, BMXing, graphics, sleeping, getting hassled by "the man", and of coarse the Halo series. If you want to know anymore about me, feel free to ask here. Its good to be a part of the community.
Hey thanks alot, it meant alot to us especially being the night before the Halo release because thats all they were focusing on was Halo 3. I'm not trying to advertise our site, but if you want to see the video of it you can see it *here*. Thanks for the warm welcome as well.