Splazer Evader

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by 00Svo, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. 00Svo

    00Svo Ancient
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    Map & Gametype

    I know you all remember those infection maps on foundry, where the zombies spawn below the Humans, with splasers. They then proceed to shoot up at the humans, while the humans desperately try to avoid the red beams of death.

    Yes, I agree, most all of those maps were sloppy, ugly, and thus, no fun to play on. I, Have taken the time to rev-amp one. Taking it to a new level.

    Here we go:
    Overview of the humans' spawn:

    Overview of zombies' spawn. On the right you can see a lift up to the second level:

    Same place, from the ground level:

    Another angle. You can see the other lift up to the second floor:

    Another Overview; The elite is heading down the hallway to the side view of the humans' spawn:

    Up the stairs:

    Into the mancannon:

    Getting a double kill. :biggrin:

    Okay, here is where the aesthetics come into play; When you pick up that powerup, it forces a second one to spawn inside the dumpster. The dumpster will move out of the way, "opening" the door, and allowing 1 person to go through at a time. Its a one way thing. (eventually this whole area will become blocked off)

    Normally you would have to walk up and touch the dumpster for the door to open up. (You have to "wake it up" so it moves away from the powerup.) Now notice the pallet floor. This my good friends, is wire technology*, combined with the pressure door** The door opens as soon as you touch the pallets on the floor.

    You walk through, it closes behind you:

    Just head down the curved ramp, back into the main arena:

    Now we're back at the 2 doors seen in one of the earlier screenshots:
    (They work, you can walk through them.)

    They take you to a little nest above the humans. Giving you yet another angle of attack. You can also see, in this screenshot, that the humans' little area is gradually getting smaller and smaller.

    Go through the next teleporter to get back into the main arena.

    This is a 2-way lift. You can go up it, and down it. To go up, you have to place a regen inside it.*** Otherwise, it doesn't work. Dont ask. It's just like that. To go down, there cant be a regenerator running.

    This lift is simply a grav lift. Dont worry about it. :tongue: You can also see that the hall up to the side view is now blocked off:

    Thats it for the screenshots. There is also a closeable window, but I didn't get any pictures of it. As you can see, I put a lot of time and thought into this, so I hope yo u guys appreciate it, and see how much effort this took.
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    ive never seen the first game of this, but this is really neat. i know you were going for the nea-ness and you got it. very nice map. good job with those switches. the way the human area gets smaller has got to make a fun game. i cant wait to plai it!
    EDITZ: i gotta see how that pallet door switch works!
  3. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I think i have seen something like this before, but this is much better. it looks really fun, with great timed events. congrats on a great first post!
  4. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Words cannot completely describe the abundance and complicity incorporated throughout your concept of your creation, including the effects necessary to create a great custom game.

    After viewing this map from my point of view, the map appears to suit the game from A to Z, but I currently do not bear enough time nor friends at the time to test this properly. However, I am looking forward to analyzing the gametype with the map in the future.
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This looks pretty fun. I have actually never heard of it, but I'm not really all that into infection. This, however, is so much more than swords vs shotguns, and will give me and some friends some fun times. The switches and other aesthetic features look very good.
  6. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    -The curved ramp is very well interlocked.
    -The switch used for the door was amazing and brilliant.
    -Good re-imagination of "Hobo-Heights/Fireworks." I never liked those games, but this looks like a lot of fun!
    -Already lined up for DL! Nice job, keep it up!
  7. SCx Deathlock

    SCx Deathlock Ancient
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    Great remake of 'watch your step' or what other map you made a remake of. Great door mechanism and aesthetics. 5 star remake. 5/5
  8. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    I'm no expert map rater, but this looks amazing. I haven't really played Hobo heights, but I'm sure this beats it by far.
    You're incorporated so many useful map features it's unreal.

    Great concept, even better structure, awesome asthetics for the simplicity of the gametype.
    From the pictures I can tell the great effort you gave in forging this.

    I don't see anything wrong with this map at all. 10/10
  9. l Zero Fox l

    l Zero Fox l Ancient
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    Needs more interlocking 14.98/14.89. Just kidding, it appears to be quite the opposite actually. -- Yes you do get more than the max because you used the Pressure Door quite effectively. Actually this probably is the only good map I've seen using it this well.

    Awesome implementation of not so mainstream Forge Tech. Great job of keeping a little Artificer-ness in your epic map. Never disappointing: typical of 00Svo.

    Great job and keep up the amazing work.

    De tu amigo de H3A,
    - l Zero Fox l
  10. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    This is an awesome map. I like everything that you incorperated into it. My favorite is the wire technology. I read up on it yesterday, and I must say, it is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I like how you used the elevator with the regen. Now onto gameplay. It looks really cool. The area gets smaller, and the zombies have a ton of places to go! I just dled and I'll have to play, but it sounds fun from the pics and the description. Nice map! 10/10
  11. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    This is a very fun minigame from the pictures. There is a lot of switches so that always adds fun. Do the humans have a chance at killing the zombie. You probably said it somewhere in the long post but i am very lazy. once again, great map and a definite download and a 6.7777/5.
  12. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    I'm not sure (I didn't make the map obviously), but you might. In one of the pictures it looked like a zombie was losing its shields. I'm not sure, but I'm just guessing here.
  13. 00Svo

    00Svo Ancient
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    If any human is lucky enough to survive 3 minutes, they are gifted with a laser. They can then shoot back down at the zombies. Last man gets 5 points.
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    this minigame makes me really love the splazer. I will download this for sure. You have many pointless aesthetics that I usually dont like but you just made this game and map seem so cool that I cant help but say "EPIC WIN..." which I hardly ever say anymore.
  15. LegitKiller99

    LegitKiller99 Ancient
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    How Did You Mke THat Main Picture That says Splaser Evader?
  16. 00Svo

    00Svo Ancient
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    Inverted colors and some lighting effects.
  17. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Thanks for clearing that up. Otherwise I would have assumed that you were speaking from the view point of those videos your friends (or lack there of) took while playing it. That is after you downloaded and watched them before you wrote your review.

    But now to the issue at hand, this game looks like an interesting take on zombies. However, none of the 'new' game play elements here are unique enough to set it apart from other similar mini games. Most notably hobo heights comes to mind when searching for comparison. Even though your map includes fence walls not pallets and the spawn over time elements that allow you to shoot the humans from different angles, it's simply not enough to entice me.
  18. SK Caboose rvb

    SK Caboose rvb Ancient
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    whats the game type?
  19. chao365

    chao365 Ancient
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    lawl i played that game it was fun!!! 5/5!!! lol i like bein zombie. try makeing like a puzzle version of it where you ahve to run away from zombies with lazers
  20. 00Svo

    00Svo Ancient
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    The gametype is RUN!!.
    Its right next to it.
    Thanks for all the feedback guys! :D

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