Name Splataphobia Creator Bartoge Gametypes: - Team Slayer - Multi Flag - One Flag - Neutral Bomb - VIP Description- Splataphobia is a for 6-16 people and covers about half of Rats Nest. There are many vehicles and power weapons. this gives you many options for either going on foot or vehicle. There are teleporters that take you halfway across the map to the vehicle storage. The vehicle storage has 1 Guass Warthog, 2 Choppers, and 4 Mongooses. Theres also 2 trip mines and a Spartan Laser. Each base has a beam rifle, sniper rifle(low ammo), rocket launcher(low ammo) and BRs. They also have 2 Warthogs, 1 Chopper, and 2 Mongooses. In the middle of the map, there is a Rocket Launcher (full ammo) and some equipment. There is cover but you may get splattered. There is much chaos and destruction and your almost always being shot at. Be careful, it madness out there. PICS DOWNLOAD AT : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ENJOY
This thread isn't up to standards. Unfortunately, this will be locked if you don't sort it within 24 hours. I suggest that you go to this thread: How to post your map. It will give you all the info you need on getting your creation onto ForgeHub No more 'pix please' or any other such derivative. Give the guy the chance to fix it.
Reminds me of Valhalla and Standoff Heavy. It looks cool in all, but it seems that the vehicles will be overpowering.
this is a cool map it looks pretty well done it reminds me of the map that got featured i like it though
That's kind of obnoxious personally. I would rather have balance in the lower end, rather than a bunch of power weapons and a bunch of vehicles. It gets way to hectic, and for a competitive map that isn't really that good. That is just my personal opinion of course ~Randle $candal
looks like a map i would have a tgif team slayer match but i like the inmoveable object. they look pretty sturdy
looks nice and you have incorporated interlocking that is nessesary on this map altho you did a greast job im goin to have to pass on the dl b/c it is vehicle based for the most part and is on rats nest. :'( sry. still very good job creating this.
I sense some funny splatters and some Vehicular Manslaughters coming off of this map. Definitely very original, I will check it out. The concept is very simple, and the gameplay seems like a lot of fun. But the ledges where the plasma grenades spawn on the track could be camping spot. But then again, there are Warthogs and Choppers, so maybe it's not a problem. All in all, a very well constructed map, I give you a 4.75/5, which could change to a 5 if that ledge is not a problem.
this map has too much going on, the point of halo is that you fight for power weapons and vehicles, not to just grab a laser or chopper every time you spawn
I wanted to make a map with lots of chaos and this map fits the bill. If you dont like it, thats your opinion.