This was really neat, I liked it and hope to play again, it would also be fun if the humans were in ghosts and the zobies had to kill the humans.
possibly one of the WORST maps i have ever played. This game is almost as bad as the Illinois Illini are at any sport. It is too small, too short, and gets boring very easily. Also this may have been what lead to me stopping playing halo. HORRIBLE. REALLY HORRIBLE.
No, what led you to stop playing halo is that your mom buys you every game you ask for. I know this person in real life, and he's just doing that to make me mad. Good job, I'm mad.
haven't gotten a chance to play yet, but this looks hard worked on and need appreciation. I actually was working on something like this but ultimately failed and I was glad to see someone else making it work.
this was fun, but not something i could play for hours and hours but a very good add to my library of custom games
I'm glad you thought it was fun. Do you have any suggestions on ways to make it more fun? And how many people did you play it with? By the way, don't double post.
This is fun about 5 vs 5, or less, and maybe change the respawns on the bubble shields and power drainers a little longer, they can be a little cheap at times. good map to add, 9/10
I agree that powerdrainers should have a longer respawn, but I don't know about the bubbleshields, because you can only access them from the garage when the zombies start. I haven't really seen the bubbleshields used very much, but I'll check it out.
I think it was the same kid from earlier, that I know from school. He just made another account on FH today just to post again. He likes to make me mad. If you look, the account doesnt even have a gamertag linked to it EDIT: thanks for sticking up for the map zstrike
Tomas said he did not do it. Maybe it really was some raging hater who has devoted his account to hating your map. Looks like you just got a stalker matt... I mean Gobbles... (Sorry for using your real name)
ingenious, i love this map, great idea and the gametype allows it to be played properly without stupid noobs messing it up great idea having the shield doors
no, I talked to tomas at school today, it was him. He didn't realize that he actually helped out my map though by bumping it.
Nice mini-game, Gobs. I really like this type of game. The map is solid, good job on eliminating honor rules. Also the game is funny. I like splattering people because they scream so much better than when you shoot them.
This map looks excellent, I'm definitely gonna download. I really want to see more maps from you because this one looks great. Keep them coming. =)
Wow this this game looks like fun from pics. ill give it a 4/5 and then rate it again after i play it