Hi, Today I show you my fourth race map. I hope it pleases you. Start First turn First jump Second jump Third jump The swirl The last jump in to the fin zone Hope you guys enjoyed the map Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
I liked it, but I had a few quarrels with the map, I didn't like the tapered areas, I'd try to avoid tapering as much as possible when building a Double wide, also, none of the jumps have lips, so you always land on your back wheels first and sometimes spin out of control. One more thing, I didn't really like how the angle changed from jump to landing, but I understand that it's hard to make them match up. All in all, a very fun track with a great theme. 7/10
ossum map, but had a couple flawes with check points and terrean. would love to try a edited version :]