Splash Down Created by GRIFF2K7 Map Description I initially designed this map as my ultimate S.W.A.T. map. It is a symmetrical map with 4 distinct vertical levels. The "Kill Box" in the top center is usually the focal point of any game. When you are in the box, watch out for enemies dropping down from the roof. This is a wide shot of Splash Down This is a closeup shot of Splash Down This is my first map I have ever posted on Forge World, so there may be a few hiccups. I also am not very experienced in placing weapons/power-ups/spawns, etc. The reason for this is that I mostly play S.W.A.T. If you have any suggested improvements, I would love to hear them. Thanks for playing the map. Brandon Griffin - GRIFF2K7
wWw this looks really cool even for all the premade items you used. Though it looks forgey it looks nice. I bet the gameplay is pretty fun for FFA on this map. Nice job!
Thanks! I think FFA would be a lot of fun on this map also. I tried to design the bottom levels to encourage more action down there, but inevitably, everyone ends up in the "Kill Box".
Hey there this map seems like a great idea, i don't think i've seen any maps with a layout like this be done in this way But for the kill box its self seems like a campers paradise, is there a soft kill barrier timer inside it or anything to prevent camping ?
Ill have to agree, Oddball would migrate to that area right away. But I like that casual feel of this map rather then uber competitive.
I see what you guys are talking about. I added the drop-down skylight at the top to give somebody an edge when entering the kill box. With 6 different ways to enter I was HOPING that would make it somewhat difficult to camp. I haven't had enough friends play this map to give me a lot of feedback on that aspect of it. When my friends and I have played it... it's been hard to camp because usually you have 2 or more enemies coming at you from different directions.. up.. down.. or behind you. If I get quite a bit of feedback saying it's too easy to camp... then I will look at making a change. I didn't think of the soft-kill barrier. I'll look into that more. Thanks for the suggestions. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I will be moving this map to the "Review Section" of the forums for testing. I am new to FH, so that is probably what I should have done first. Once it's been tested and reviewed/improved, I'll move it back to this section. Thanks to those who have already looked at it and given me some suggestions. Griff [br][/br]Edited by merge: Correction. I will be leaving the map here... but posting for review in the review section of the forums. I'll get this stuff straight eventually.