MLG Spirit (Guardian and Lockout inspired map)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xxinsanity, Oct 24, 2010.

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  1. xxinsanity

    xxinsanity Forerunner

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    This map was inspired by two Halo classics, Guardian and Lockout. It is smaller than most maps in Reach. It is a Team Slayer based map. Download, played on it, rate and review. Please also feel free to add any suggestions for the map and any map ideas you would like to see come true. So get to downloading and look at these pictures! This map was made before MLG v1 settings so the speed boost was not accounted for and the map size may increase later. Created by ChiTownBrownie and HnR xx Insanity

    Screenshots can be found here: : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details
  2. Stopex

    Stopex Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Don't want my reply to count as flaming or anything but, I did a run around and the map didn't seem that well forged. The design wasn't anything special but, again don't feel like im flaming or hating on you or anything. You also need to really post pictures on this site rather than going to
    I'd rather not have to click 5 different links to see all of the pictures.
    I'd suggest making the map bigger or just try again with a different layout.
    If you want ideas or inspiration, check out some of the other threads. P
    People on this site really have good maps (as you should know)
    I've also made a map that had beautiful aesthetics (Not just aesthetics but, the map its self as well) You could search my name on and get the map out of my fileshare. (The map is called: Vestrual 2.0)
  3. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Why did you post this again? Get a mod to delete this thread.
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