Spikers, Duel wielding is not for nubs... Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing If you want, I can show you how to do this, just Message me on Xbox live, My GT is defleopard98.
i know how to do that if im not wrong isn't it hold /lb/rb/left stick/down on d-pad/and hold down a ?
Wow the gray spartan looks cool .. And there are so many of these types of pics .. But this is one of my favourites! Good job! =]
To do this, set up 3 glowey barriars, put 1 down, put 1 on a 90 degree angle, and then put one flat so whn you stand on it, all yo see is you and white . Filters are gloomy and colorblind. Have fun!