You don't really need CnC... you did great on this one. How the hell are you improving so quickly? It look me about 5 months to start making good signatures... Oh, btw, only use the one with the black border. IMO FHX one's border sucks...
thanks XD Thanks lol. Seriously, it isn't that hard to get good fast. You just gotta watch tutorials. I began and sucked. But people gave me some tutorials, and I got better, and then you know I took the techniques from those tutorials, and combine them into one, to make a much better sig... and practice. Practice helps lol. And yea, Im using the Oldschool, the other was like a test. I wanted to try a new type of border, but I didnt like it.
Wow its like you popped out of no where and just started creating epic signatures. Really good job on this i Like the circles on the left side of the sig filled with the spidey costume colors
Only thing I dont like is the weird green crap on the right, with the old mans face. Otherwise it's an epic and amazing sig.
yeah the old man's face is kinda odd... but anyways, i think zstrike has surpassed me.. zstrike im coming for you because i am officially getting photoshop for CHRISTMAS!!!
You son of... *Ahem* You did great. I really hate that green mess though. One I realized it was there, I couldn't help but keep looking at it. It also brings the main theme away form the signature to.