Story: During the UNSC war against the Covenent, a Secret Military base was doing research on spiders, trying to merge their dna with human dna. During these test something went wrong and all the Human/Spiders broke free from the lab and invaded the city. the Last standing Building was the UNSC military base.There are 2 types of spiders Black Widow(Alpha zombie) and Wolf Spider (Zombie) both spawn in the spider web. Gametype: The game type is called Black Widow Black Widow Traits: 110% Damage resistance Normal Shield 110% Shield Recharge Rate Instant kill Primary Weapon: Energy Sword Secondary:None 125% Movement Speed Normal Gravity Enhanced Sensors 150 Meter Range Color:Black Pic: Wolf Spider Traits: 110% Damage Resistance Normal Shields Instant kill Primary Weapon: Energy Sword Secondary:None Movement Speed 110% Gravity 75% Enhanced Sensors 150 Meter Range Color:Brown Pic: UNSC (Human) Traits: All Normal Last Man Traits: 10% Damage Resistance No Shields -25% Shield Rehcarge Rate Damage Modifier 90% Weapon Pickup Disabled Movement Speed 25% Gravity 200% Motion Tracker: Off Forced Color: Pink Waypoint visible to Everyone. Next Zombie: Random Techniques Used: Interlocking Geo Glitching With Crane Merge with Map Geometry Switch Map:Spider Hole It is only set-up for Infection right now... It could be made into a One Flag CTF game i guess if you wanted to All weapons are 0-1 Clips and no respawn... after 2 and a half minutes a Shotgun,Battle rifle, Assault Rifle, Smg, and Magnum fall into the base for xtra help.. if you survive that long Screen Shots: Spider Web Spider holes Human Base Base inside 1 Base Inside 2 Armory (Through Teleporter Behind Crate) Hall of Death(Another way to Armory) ACTION SHOTS: Me vs Mauler What happened after that..
Hey dude, well I can see you are new here, and I'd like to give you a little advice. Since this is a zombies map, you should probably have put it in the custom games section. The title of your thread(for map posts only) should be "Spider Hole," just take out the "finished part," a mod WILL change this if they see it. I think the way you did the custom game variant is very creative, but most people here don't like foundry zombie maps, even though some of them are fun. About your post, try switching around your pics of the zombies with your statistics, because right now, it says: Zombie Name Pics: (Picture) (Stats) When it should logically be: Zombie Name (Stats) Pics: (Picture) If you have anything you want to know, questions, etc. feel free to pm me.
ok thanks... im actually not that new.. i have posted one other map a while ago but il go ahead and fix that stuff
This needs to be posted in the Casual Maps section. The Competitive Maps section is reserved for slayer and objective based maps only.
this looks like a great concept, but i think this should have been put in the casual maps section...for it doesn't seem very "competitive" to me...but ya... please, make a version 2 and get rid of this... please tell me the teleporter leads out of this only