Sandbox Speedy Attack!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Meltyourtv, May 1, 2009.

  1. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Basic Description:

    Tired of MLG? Fed up with getting owned by 50s? Bored? Well then this is the game for you!


    Gametype and map created by meltyourtv, but all credit goes to tgadberystudios for inventing the game, and inspiring me to do something while I'm home sick.

    Gametype Details:

    Basically, it's FFA, with 300% speed, normal gravity, random weapons, no shields, and the instant kill ability. Pretty nooby right? But, that's why this game is for large parties, and people who just wanna have fun! It requires no skill, and is pretty even on all levels (except if you spawn with a SMG or BR).

    Map Details:

    Crypt Attack (Sandbox): You start off outside where the guardians will blow you smitherines (to prevent starting spawn Killionares). Then, you spawn down in the crypt, along with everyone else. There are man cannons in the middle of every side of the crypt, to mix up the gameplay, and making everything hectic down there. There's a custom powerup below the center structure (more on the center structure later) that makes you actually HAVE shields, but makes you have them drained the whole time (blinky red shields). Why'd I place that there? I don't know. Now, onto the center structure. It's only accessible if you get "the lucky spawn" which is floating spawns one tube piece apart at the very top of the chute leading to to the crypt. If you get the "lucky spawn," you'll be sent flying down to the center structure, with has teleporters covering ALL areas. And, you'll get some of the 2 never respawning camos or overshields. You might not get ALL of them ,or any, since the some spawns bump you into the odd ridges inside the chute.


    One of the starting spawns. (You never respawn, or are able to get back out there)


    One of the respawn points.


    View from where I spawned.


    Overview of center structure.


    All 4 mancannons.


    "Lucky Spawn" tube structure.


    Warehouse Attack (Foundry): For those who don't have the mythics ;). You start off in the outside of Foundry (next to the pipe) with mancannons that send you flying into the death barrier (this is also the prevent spawn killionares). then spawn inside the open area of Foundry (Sides are blocked off). This is almost EXACTLY like the crypt version, except this one doesn't have a center structure, and there are no mancannons on the sides. What USED to have replaced the mancannons on this map (used them all for the starting spawn), were 4 two-way-node-teleporters leading to each other, making gameplay as hectic as the crypt, but that proved to be just too much. There is a geomerged single box in the crane to prevent camping (if you can even get up there). There is also a little touch up, with floating overshields and camos up above the two sides. The custom in the middle is also there.


    Starting spawn mancannon lineup.


    Overview from blue side.


    Left map divider.


    Right map divider.


    Single crate in crane.


    Blocked off doors (to prevent getting stuck in the doorways)


    Gametype Link: ileid=76237380

    Crypt Attack Map Link: ileid=76194792

    Warehouse Attack Map Link: ileid=76237278

    Please download, rate the gametype and maps, and give constructive criticism and comments. Thank you.


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