Specter V0.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BA_Tango, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Specter V0.1

    Map Description
    Specter mainly is a map designed for every gametype except for Infection and Juggernaut. It was original just a map I toyed around with, trying out new techniques and building upon in the past five months in the making. At first I wanted to build a house in the middle of the map, it then slowly expanded from there. Also this map has been updated to V0.1, which includes scenary and better balance of weapons.

    This is the final version which includes almost gametype design for extreme fast paced fun. I used the Interlocking Technique for almost all aspects of the map. If you managed to get out of the map, I placed some Grav Lifts so you can get back in.

    Below this will be the list of all gametype that are included in the map, which will be default and soon custom made.

    Weapons and Equipments
    • Weapons Included:
      X2 Magnums
      X2 Plasma Pistols
      X2 Plasma Rifles
      X2 Spiker
      X2 SMG
      X2 Shotgun
      X1 Covenant Carbine
      X1 Battle Rifle
      X1 Needler
      X1 Energy Sword
    • Equipment Included:
      X2 Frag Gernades
      X2 Plasma Gernades
      X2 Spike Gernades
      X2 Power Drainers
      X1 Bubble Shield
      X1 Regenerator
      X1 Overshield
    Supported Gametypes
    • Team Gametypes Include:
      Team Slayer
    • Team Objective Gametypes Include:
      Team Oddball
      Team King
      Mutli Flag
      One Flag
      Tank Flag
      Attrition CTF
      Neutral Bomb
      One Bomb
      Attrition Bomb
      Flag Rally
      One Sided VIP
      Influential VIP
    • FFA Gametypes Include:
    • FFA Objective Gametypes Include:
      Crazy King
      Mosh Pit
    Specter Screen Shots

    Sword Diva Room

    Dueler's Cross

    Alley of Shame

    Tunnel of Death

    Outer Limits

    Bungie.Net Users Quotes

    "Great Map!!!!!!!!!! I played it with my friends and we had an amazing time. Keep up the good work."

    "This map looks like one of the better maps i've seen in.. who knows how long!!! I can't wait to try it! 5/5"

    Bungie.net Users Rate: 4/5 (22 Ratings)
    Bungie.net User Downloads: 54
    Please comment and rate this map if you download this map.
    ---> Download <---
    #1 BA_Tango, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  2. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  3. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    spitfire stop flaming, you do it to everyones map.

    ryu, great map, we played it yesterday and it seems like you've changed a lot of weapons and such since then, pretty cool.
  4. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well it was really simple changes that improvement the atmosphere to the map while not taking away the gameplay value. I took out the rocket launcher and sniper then moved the weapons around a bit. Second floor would be dueler's heaven, considering it holds a majority of all dueling weapons. I also left the overshield and almost brought in the invisiblity, but that is too much with the sword.
    #4 BA_Tango, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008

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