Welcome Soldier, We need your months of training to pay off right now. Here's what were dealing with. The creature were dealing with is very deadly per say and could kill and infect you with the Virus quickly and by farce. We know the Alpha creature is slower but more powerful than those he infects. It wields some sort of Hammer like object growing from its arm. This hammer could kill you in one blow. It can take damage and has some sort of shield protecting it. The shield can't recharge so once its down unleash Hell on it. The persons brain cells must have disintegrated or something because it could never drive a vehicle or pick something up. It just knows it has to kill you. Its cohorts are weaker, slightly faster but are equally smart as there Alpha. They have a sword growing from there arm and it seems it can also kill you quickly but not as quickly as its Alpha. Now about you and your team. You will be given a Battle Rifle to go in with. Maybe you'll find weapons and equipment as you go along. Maybe a vehicle too. Your pretty much going in as a normal soldier on this one. Normal shields, Normal health stimulus. You won't have any grenades either. If your team dies and your left alone to kill the creatures on your own. You may want to try toughening up a bit. Your damage could maybe increase as well as your health. Probably run same speed and jump though. That's all you'll need to know so let's get down to what were dealing with. Mission Briefing_ Location-Camp Town A small wooded town in Northern Colorado. Mission Description- Supposedly 7 days ago, a Infestation of some sort of Virus broke out and we need you to investigate. Our Scout took visual imagery and recorded details on your location. Here's what we found: By the way once this stuff is gone, Its gone. Shotgun-1 Rocket Launcher-1 Frag Grenades-2 Trip Mine-1 Plasma Grenade-1 Warthog-1 Warthog Gauss-1 Mongoose-5 He was also able to get pictures of most of the area: An Overhead Shot A building with a accessible roof The inner buildings. Machine gun turret was put up by our scout. Where the guests were staying in tents. Tent Site Storage room. Our Scout found the shotgun in here as well as the 2 Frag Grenades and Trip Mine Drive in Theater. Apparently Mongooses were a rent-able form of transportation. The Alpha Creatures Nest. You and your Squad will enter from here. Inside of the higher tunnel to the roof of the previous building. Truck transporting some items. Most notably the 2 Mongooses. The back storage area. Where the Rocket Launcher was found I hope this info was of use to you. You can click on these items right here for more info. Camp Town Map SpecOps. Undead We hope to here back from you.
Looks great! creative story-base, as well as using it to explain the map. my only concern is that there are 7 vehicles, and none of the infected can use them...that might be a bit overpowering, but i'd have to playtest it to find out. so...from the thread, 8.5/10 I will update when I have playtested the map...If i can find enough players =D
The way you told your story for the map was cool, how you were acting like ourc seargent and all, but the map's gameplay is questionable. A gauss warthog seems a little overkill and it will probably just end up in a corner and shooting the zombies. The map was made pretty well. Also glad to see something from Foundry nowadays. Good job, just the gauss warthog is a problem.
i see interlocking in the first pic, then it looks like you got lazy on the second pic and just place a couple dumpsters over the hole. ah well, can judge by pics so im gonna dl and get a game together nao.
I couldn't add anything else and fence walls ran out. Mongooses were more for decoration than gameplay. You cant drive it much but its a cool way of transportation. The Gauss warthog was not exactly great but when I was testing with my friends they said the game is great but it needs something powerful. Gauss warthog. That and I ran out of fence walls. Another thing, Walls are slightly larger that fence walls flat on the ground. So short story youd'd have to just and that is not exactly what I was going to give you guys. I gave you basic cover really lol.