I'm coming here for help. I'm designing an infection gametype and map the simulates something close to L4D. All I need are ideas for the major infected. The major infected in L4D are Tanks, Witches, Boomers, Hunters, Smokers, and that's about it. I've got the Tank down. Technically it's a zombie with a gravity hammer that does much higher damage than a normal infected, I call it a "Thumper". I've also thought of a zombie that is similar to the Thumper, but uses a chaingun and has less health and deals less damage. I got that idea from a map and gametype and they called in a Grinder. Anyways, other than two bigger monsters for the humans to fight, I need some others that aren't as hard to kill. Maybe just 2 or 3 more that come at random intervals. Just shoot out some ideas and I'll give the person credit if I choose their idea. Also if you want to help build, I'm sorry, but I've already got a team assembled.
You need to have a long range guy with very little health. I suggest having a dude, with 50% Damage Resistance, unlimited ammo, and a Beam Rifle, so you don't have to reload. Have a heavy guy that has 200% Damage resistance, but moves 75% as fast
But you can only have one custom powerup and one type of special infected in the game at a time. It can't simulate L4D then, if your only fighting one special infected, unless its just the Tank, which would mean you'd have to make all the other common infected stop spawning so only the Tank will remain, like in L4D..
you should set a custom power up on top of what ever wepon you want the zombie to have and then set the power up duration to 3 second and make it so the zombie can pick it up
Although I don't know how you could remake the Smoker, I could imagine the Boomer would have a fuel rod cannon, very little health, and high gravity. Although I see you have got the Grinder idea from Manifest: Help's on the way, right? I think they got the L4D experience perfect. There is no way in hell you are going to get multiple types of zombies, because you only have the default gametype settings, and a custom powerup. That makes for multiple regular zombies, and one special infected.
Actually, you could simply use different spawn areas to help you out with this. Have the majority of spawns in one main spawn area, for the normal horde. It should have about 12-16 spawns in it. Then, make mini spawn rooms for the other special infected, with only 2 spawn points in each one, so it'll be less likely that they become special infected. Don't do this for the Tank however. For the tank, have the custom powerup spawn in the Normal Horde Spawn room at a certain time. However, grabbing the custom powerup will cause the player who grabs it to set off a switch that blocks off the rest of the zombies from entering the teleporter/pathway to enter the actual level. Simply have a dumpster below it, and when the zombie walks over it, it shuts behind him. This will only send out the Tank to attack the humans. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is an excellent idea, and I know exactly how to implement it into a map, but I won't be able to help you out since my Xbox is being repaired at the moment.