ok ill keep it short. the TGIF this week was pretty sweet, we all had fun especailly when we played tremours and mice on sandbox and nobody could catch the last man for about 5 minutes. And there goes your spot. Then we played smear the pinkie. "CONFUUUSEEE RAYYYYY" "also available in insane" Cat and mouse on valhalla The cat didnt know how to play, or the fact there was a wraith..... FACE! "LEEEYYYRRROOOYYYYY JENKINNSSS" ........good luck "NO THIS IS MYYY FLAG!" Good luck getting that flag! "Maybe well use the other door" **** zombies "Delicios Green OMNOMNOM" Random weapon box OOOHH NOOOO berk killed mastercheif zombie! Group picture A big spider omnomnom Jumping snipers on 8 emerald legs Roche and XANONs faceoff THATS ALL FOLKS! Well there were quite a few hillarious parts, well hope you enjoyed the little recap. message if you like it.
lolololol nice you put the quote in and also i didnt realize it was the master cheif zombie but yea good recap enjoyed the pics
Nice group picture. Those were some fun games - looking forward to playing again in two weeks, but on Sandbox as well.
wow it looks like alot of people had fun but i cant play them because i dont have the mythic maps but they come out the 9th so happyface
umm dude, there were no mythic maps in this part of the TGIF, this was insanes 1, there was another 1 4 mythic, this is all heroic ledgendary and pre dlc maps
I've yet to attend a TGIFD, but maybe I will sign up next time. I will probably join the Mythic customs though. I'll be getting those on the 9th. I guess I haven't signed up yet because I'm not a huge fan of casual/mini games, but I might give it a try.