HALOSRIKER214's party of testingness RECAP! By Spazmonkey92 This friday i was partied up with HaloStrikers party. we played a variety of mini games and infection aswell as an assult on the porcelean pony and sabre duels. We sarted off on the old jenga tower, with snipers and overshields starting with the humans on the tower and heres the zombies attack. Then we played a few rounds of Duck hunt with the gauss hogs. here come the ducks and there goes the hunter! Duck hunt was reaaaly good fun and the enviroment was really good. all the players were polite and talkative. Then we played a mess about game of dual of the fates on foundry, The game was meant to be a one on one, a re-enactment of the starwars episode 1 scene against darth maul. but there were 12 of us. Again the enviromnent was awesome, jokes random screaming, funny killing quotes "GET SOOOOME!" Later we played the assult on the porcelean pony. anybodhy who doesnt know what that is, its a huge toilet with a dumpster poop in there and thats where the goal is to score. GREAT FUN!!! The Toilet! Spazmonkey92 and HaloStriker beating each other down {matrix} Vorporal Saint running to the toilet to "score" OOHH then began the uber FUNZ0RZ we played cat and mouse on valhalla. this was rather enjoyable just like the whole TGIF! Yea, thats a tree. you DONT drive into them. CANT CATCH US! Then we started to wrap things up with the session by doing the group photo.....sss Halostrikers goodbye map was Slit Pinball on avalanche. Then Striker gave the lead to Spazmonkey92 and he put on a favorite map of his. "Iron Curtain, on Soviet Border" where the aim of the game is to run to the cliff edge and jump off (being the immagrints) and then the snipers (border patrol) kill you. a good game, seems repetitive jumping off a cliff constantly bu it was awesome. Border Patrol HE GONNA GET IT! The runers (immagrints) Overall the TGIF went off without a hitch, i thouroghly enjoyed myself, and hope to see comments and all theese players soon. Right at the end of Halosrikers party we BUMPED COMMANDERMATT1's Party and gave him the lead of aweomeness! thanks forgehub. PLAYERS IN THE PARTY! TyRant Hacker spazmonkey92 AItius TheBurninCheese FL TheHeat Vorpal Saint macdreamcatcher IG11c HaloStriker214 ODkingBif24 running chron WailingJam Timeless161 DeceitfulPillow Spartan7371
yea it was awesome and this whole recap took AGES to make. and i tried 2 get as many pics of the rest of the TGIF