
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wakko45, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Well, I finished a map today and made all the weapons and everything. So I put down the spawns. Instead of putting all of the spawns down, I figured, "Hey, I'll just throw down some Re-spawn areas instead". So I set them down instead of placing invidual spawn points.

    I go into Custom Games to test it out and I spawn on the other side of Foudary, no where near where my map is located. I went back into Forge and made sure their were NO spawns outside my part of the map, there weren't any.

    I'm not all that experienced with spawn-areas, but does there need to ALSO be spawn points IN the spawn area, for it to work?


    I have a few other questions but depending on the answer for this question I may not need to ask them.
  2. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    Spawn Points are not required, however, confirm that you have deleted all of the spawn points for the different objectives you are using.
  3. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    It's usually spawns that are in different gametypes, from what I've heard. Check to make sure you deleted all of them in every type of game.
  4. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I know for sure that all spawns were deleted on each gametype, I cleared the map myself. Also I went to go check each spawn under the Forge Pallet and it said under start spawn and normal spawn that there were 0 placed on the map and only that 1 spawn area was on the map.

    Perhaps I will check it out tommorrow night and fool around with it until I get it right. I must be doing something wrong.

    Btw, if I put a 'Nuetral' Spawn Area, will everyone automatically spawn in there?
  5. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    You also need 16 respawn points and make sure you have enough for each team.
  6. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    If I had the spawn area, wouldn't that rid the need of the 16 spawn points?
  7. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    I'm not sure, I've never needed to use a spawn area, but I think spawn areas are just priority zones you can set so people spawn in a spawnpoint in there more often depending on how high of a priority you set, so you'd still need spawn points because if there aren't any, the spawn area wouldn't be doing anything.
  8. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Ok here is how it breaks down. From what I've seen you have cleared the other game types too.

    You will still need to put down respawn points or starting points or whatever. However, within the respawn area you don't need to change it.

    Now I haven't messed around with these too much but from what I understand you must put the respawn points down. Then you can lay down a respawn area and go into the menu for it.

    1. You can increase the size of it so it covers all of the spawns you want in it.

    2. I believe you can change the shape from between a box or a cylinder.

    3. You can change the height of your respawn area (good for doing first and second levels on a map)

    4. You can go into the menu and change what team spawns there (in that case, all of the respawn points you have in the respawn area will automatically switch to reflect your settings on the respawn area menu, I.E. what team spawns there)

    5. Finally, you can change the priority of the spawns (1 being the most common spawn). Priority works like the rarity of you spawning there. If all of your priority 1 spawns are bogged down with enemies, grenades, exploding TVs, etc it will change to priority 2 spawns (this is how that 2nd story on the two sniper buildings work in the pit).

    Hope that clears up any confusion.

    To answer your problem (in short), you must put down a respawn point, but if you lay a bunch down you can use the respawn area and change all of the settings at once.
  9. shadow0324

    shadow0324 Ancient
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    i tried doing this too on a different map (sandtrap) the spawning was all over and made the game horrible. just do yourself a favor and go make individual respawn points. it also makes it far more controlled and just simply works. leave the spawn areas in helps leave more control.
  10. shadow0324

    shadow0324 Ancient
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    so wait could you possibly set a bunch of respawns with them being set to neutral but then place an area spawn to do just that (make sure they only spawn one team)
  11. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Yes, but you can't be lazy and ignore respawn points. Gotta have them inside the respawn area.
  12. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    At any point you want anyone to be able to spawn, you need a neutral spawn point. To set where a team starts, give them a start point. Any of these can be set to priority, "1" is picked first, anything after "1" is a lower priority. "0" is random. Spawn areas are used to identify spawn points that that team should always spawn in. Neutral spawn areas belong to both teams. When you spawn, you first pick your first available spawn area, by priority, then the first available spawn in it, if no spawns are available in a given area, it picks the next one. In your case, none of the areas have spawns, so it just picks a random point to spawn you at.
  13. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    If I put a spawn point in a spawn area, and one outside the spawn area, would I always spawn to the one in the area?

    Also say I have 2 spawn areas with neutral spawn points in each. One of the spawn areas has a priority of 1 and the other 2. As long as there are no enemies in the Priority 1 spawn area would I ALWAYS spawn in in that one? Or is it just more % chance of spawning there?
  14. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    For your first question, I have no idea.

    For your second, either you always do or the percentage is very very high. Again, I don't know for sure though.
  15. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Ok, so I have it set up for CTF and have an attacker spawn area and a defender spawn area. I have neutral spawn points in each. (I want them neutral because of the other gametypes that I'm going to have random spawns)

    The attackers and defenders should spawn in their spawn area shouldn't they? Well they alternate, every time they die they go to the other one.

    What I'm trying to do is to make symetrical game types; CTF, Assualt to spawn at one area, and have gametypes such as KoTH, Oddball have random spawns.
  16. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Can you switch the spawns to symmetrical or asymmetrical? That would be the answer to your problem. The spawn points you want neutral you would have as asymmetrical and the ones in the spawn areas should be symmetrical (I think you can just change the symmetrical ones by bringing up the menu on the respawn area).
  17. Radical Halo

    Radical Halo Ancient
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    Yeah this topic brings up a point, there needs to be a "spawn points: the noobs guide" or something, because thats what i spend the most time messing with in forge because their so dang confusing.
    i know theirs a "Effective spawn placement" in Forging 101. but i mean we need some detailed explaining. the one on is well. confusing.
  18. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Ask TDF cuz I don't know the details of them too much. I do know that laying down spawn areas alone will not work as a spawn point. You can't be lazy and you must specifically place spawns down.
  19. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    TDF isn't very competent in spawn placement. I will write a guide.
  20. Radical Halo

    Radical Halo Ancient
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    thanks, appreciate it!

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