Obviously I have no trouble with initial spawns, but subsequent spawns are proving to be a problem. Is there any way to set a spawn to only spawn if another player is not in range? (or something else that leads to a similar result). I am building a map that is similar to Foundry from Halo 3, lots of building blocks and crates, and once a game gets going players will be all over the map. I am just trying to prevent spawning right next to other players/spawn camping. If there is a guide to setting up good Halo 4 spawns specifically, please post me a link as I am having trouble finding one. I have been forging for a while, but never joined a community for it, so if this is obvious please pardon me. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I did watch Psychoduck's tutorial but it did not specifically mention this issue.
Respawn areas can help, but you kind of have to accept that every map gets bad spawns once in a while including 343-designed maps. However if you get bad spawns extremely often, you may want to think about using respawn zones to tailor spawns to a specific area of the map for each team, meaning that Red team won't spawn near Blue team, for example. If you already do this and still get bad spawns it is probably the map's layout to blame.
If I have one respawn zone for Red team for instance, and one for blue team, and other spawns set around the map, would red players spawn at one of the other respawn points if a blue player was standing in the red team respawn zone? If so, then this would solve the problem. What would the result be with strong/weak respawn zones?
No - spawn zones just increase the weighting on the spawn points inside them. They don't pay any attention to enemy/friendly players and other spawn influencers. And if you have spawn points inside a respawn zone, the likelihood of anyone spawning elsewhere is VERY low. You basically need to have somebody actively firing a sniper rifle into the spawn point to achieve that. (I figured that out after I accidentally phased a spawn zone into default geometry and forgot about it. Took me like two weeks to find it lol) If you're having problems with spawn camping, I would suggest adding more spawn points so there are more options, and leaving the spawns in more open areas. Spawns are influenced by line-of-sight, and having players spawn in closets basically means the spawn system doesn't care about nearby players unless they're staring into said closet. If somebody is standing outside the door of your base, you're still just as likely to spawn there. If the base wasn't there blocking LoS, it would negatively weight the spawn point based on the enemy's presence. Your best bet is to work on the locations of the spawn points. I find just putting them with their backs to a wall somewhere with a good view of the map usually works best, as long as you have a lot of them. It might feel too vulnerable, but that vulnerability is what the spawn system is there to mitigate.
Ok, this is good information, I think you identified my problem specifically, about 60% of my spawns were in corners or behind obstacles, I will reorganize it and give it a shot. Thanks!