Hi all, New member here to the forums and I've got a few questions to ask about Reach's Spawning Zones. 1. How do you use them? 2. What is the purpose for each one? (respawn zone, weak, anti) 3. I tried placing a respawn zone on one of my maps and went to test it yet I respawned somewhere where there are no respawn markers at all!!! what did I do wrong? Sorry if these are REALLY dumb questions but i'm new to Forging. Thanks in advance for your advice.
If i'm not mistaken, respawn zones increase the chance of spawning in respawn markers placed inside the zone.
Advanced Guide to Respawns Effective Spawn Placement Pretty much the same for Halo: Reach except that we don't know what the 'weak' and 'anti' ones do. Im assuming anti means dont spawn there and weak means its not the most important to spawn there, but if needed you will.