I'm new to forging, but I spend a lot of time trying to get better. Quite often I here about spawning systems, but I don't understand. Is there anything wrong with just using initial and respawn points? How do these spawning systems work and what do they do? Preemptive thanks!
You can look at Forging Reach for a set of articles that explains the Halo: Reach spawn system extensively based upon the documentation and thread posts from bungie.
MrGreen knows what he is talking about, but a more brief explanation of the most commonly used spawning systems would be the following (note that spawning is still being learned about and many theories about how it all works exist This is just a brief glance at the thoughts of spawning): Dynamic Spawning: Using no spawn zones allows players to spawn anywhere, only being influenced by Where players are on the map. Slayer/ Team slayer will often use these spawns. Set Spawning: Using zones, one can control where a team or all players will spawn. Weak zones have a pull of 1 value, Strong zones have a value of 2, and anti zones have a negative 1 value (correct me if I am wrong). Players also have a value of push (if enemy) and pull (if ally), though it is a value of less than one per player. This set is reccomended for team games like CTF. Note that one can make it so a map has dynamic spawning normally, but set spawning for CTF (or any other gametype) by changing labels.
This is wrong. Again, he (and you) would be best served to read the articles. They are based upon official information. Any other information you might find here based upon theories is inaccurate, even if they present some accurate information as well.