Alright, well me and my friend are creating a new MLG map.... Obviously, there is a red base and blue base, each marked by the colored lights. I have set the starting spawns for all gametypes to Blue: Attackers, and Red: Defenders. I think that's correct, but when we go to play it to test in custom, you don't usually spawn at the right base. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance!
I would re-check the starting points for all gametypes or maybe delete them and make new ones, but im not sure that would help
just keep switching them and testing and eventually you will get it. it took me like 2 hours on my griffball map to get the dam thing right lol.
Sadly halo 3 is weird and yes blue is attackers and red is defenders, confusing yes, but correct. If you have difficulties with them either switch them or delete and replace them.