Explanation: -VIP game. -1 player per team (everyone is a VIP) -8 Ghost Spawns -1 Center Spawn I need to make sure ONE guy spawns at start on the center tower, and everyone else spawns at random by the ghosts. The ghost spawns are done, but how can I make sure someone spawns at the tower? Respawn areas? I need help please.
for the starting point in the center tower, try making the spawn order on it zero, and on the ones next to the ghosts, put the spawn order on one. (although I can't remember if spawn points have spawn order but if they do, do this) another way is put a starting point in the center area and put regular spawn points next to the ghosts.
I'll try those ideas now, hold on. Start Point on center with regulars on ghosts didn't work. I'll try R.A's again.. Nope. Keep Spawning at Ghosts, Same for the Other Team (using red and blue right now) This is my post on X Forgery if it explains better...
Are you trying to get the vip to spawn in a specific place{can but done but its complex}or just a player? If its a player it should work with a start point try with and without respawn areas
Well yes I suppose the VIP needs to spawn in a particular place, but there are up to 8 VIPs. Each team only has one player, so all players are VIPs. I need one guy to always spawn in the center, no matter what. I keep spawning at the ghosts though, even with two people on different teams. No one ever spawns in the tower.
Tried that before I posted here. Worst case scenario: I make sure I only play with 8 players in my game.
Well, this option is extreme but it works. Have all starting points in the tower. Put an overshield over one of the spawn points. Have a lot of fusion coils drop onto all spawns at the start of the game and have them set to no respawn. Everyone will spawn, one player can get an overshield. The fusion coils then kill everyone except the one with the overshield. Then have a spawn point by each ghost and they will respawn there.
Send me the map over xbl or pm me a link and I will have a look I think its totally do-able GT is Ezkeil2Ofive17
Slot 7 of my fileshare. I sent you an FR. (its named canvas) remember, one player spawns in tower, the rest at ghosts. All players are VIPs. (one man teams)