Spawning area problem

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I've got 4 spawn areas, A, B, C, and D. Each has 2 spawn points in it. B is further from the killing area, A and C are in the middle, and D is the closest.

    At the start, A is unblocked only. After a minute, B is unblocked. After another, C is unblocked, and after 3 minutes, D is unblocked.

    What setup can I have for my spawn areas to make the odds of spawning in each area equal? At the moment, the spawn areas further away from the action are getting more spawns.
  2. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Move the spawn areas?
  3. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    Can't you change the spawn order? 1 is the first 0 is random.
  4. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    the problem with random is that even in a "random" sequence it could always be side-heavy.
  5. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    The spawn order thing looks promising, but I don't know exactly how it works.

    Say I split A, B,C, and D with spawn area, labelled 1, 2, 3, 4. Would it randomly pick 1 area regardless of where deaths have occured? I don't care which spawn point it picks IN an area, just that the odds of being in area A is equal to B, C, and D.
  6. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    By labeling them 1, 2, 3, etc you put weight on spawn area 1, then the next time they die the weight is on area 2, and it keeps going up until it starts back over at 1. Giving them all spawn order 0 makes it random, or at least as random as it'll get. For more info see this post:
    Advanced Guide to Respawns
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Will deaths outside of the spawn areas affect weightings inside?
  8. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    They will not
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Then I don't understand why my spawn would be having a bias to the further side. Nobody can be killed inside the spawn areas.

    Should I make 4 spawn areas with orders 1, 2, 3, and 4 to be safe?
  10. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    I missed that people couldn't be killed in the areas. In that case, make them all 0 and it will be random. If you make in 1, 2, 3, 4 it will spawn each person in area 1, then area 2, area 3, and area 4.

    To put it plainly:
    All areas 0 = random
    Areas 1,2,3,4 = ordered

    Pick whichever scenario you need
  11. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    How would having 4 spawn areas with order 0 differ from 1 spawn area covering them all, with order 0? Right now I'm using the latter, and it's giving me the spawn tendency away from the action.
  12. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    Spawn points have a radius where they're affected by deaths, enemies, and teammates as well. So when people die or there are enemies near the spawn points close to the action, it lessens the chances of spawning near the fight. Bungie did this to prevent spawn killing.
  13. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I know about that, and the radius is guessed to be at 7.5m. However, the closest you will die to any spawn point or spawn area boundary is at least 15m.
  14. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    How often are people dying? If a lot are, then maybe the friendlies spawning at the back are causing weight to be put on the points further away from the fight. I guess you could try making the closer ones at spawn order 1 and leave the further ones at 0. It could work, but I'm not exactly sure what happens one some spawns are at 0 and others have a number.
  15. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Alright, this thread has given me a few ideas. Thanks a lot for the advice, koala.
  16. DeadShotShorty

    DeadShotShorty Ancient
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    The best thing i could suggest is using Starting points, 1 per location (In addition to any other regular spawn points you want in each area.). That way, if, lets say, 4 people were playing, they all would FIRST fill up all 4 starting points randomly. If 8 people were playing, with 2 ppl per team, all the starting points would be filled up FIRST (make sure to specify each starting point as Attackers, deffenders, 3rd team, 4th team), then teamates would spawn close to them.
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    The starting parts have to ( and are) placed in seperate areas.
  18. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    i beleive their is something in the gametype that MIGHT help tho im not for sure.. u could block one of the 2 in the frequent ones after the others unblock.... MAYBZEE
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    It sounds as if you already have some solutions, but I'll weigh in anyway.

    They always will. Even if you have respawn areas, the game will put you where it thinks it would be best (teammate w/powerweapon, teammate, far from action in that rough order). You know how it's impossible to delete all objectives off a map to prevent you from breaking the gametype? Consider the idea that respawn areas are similar and even though you can do all the placement and ordering that you want, but if the game sees a problem with what you've done, it's respawn system will override you. I'm not speaking out of my ass here. I've done tests where spawn point that are in a very safe area in the middle of the map are completely ignored for the ones furthest from the previous death even though I have a respawn area with the highest priority around them.

    Even though it's random, 0 trumps 1. Whatever areas you have as 0 will have priority in the system.

    No, and the opposite of that statement is theoretically true; death weighting stays confined to the respawn area that surrounds it.

    What I would try is setting up a couple of respawn areas with the highest priority where you would prefer your players to respawn, and give the ones furthest away a super low priority (like a 10). It may help even it out for you, but more than likely not.
    Something. likes this.
  20. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    For now, I've been juggling the numbers and found that when i made multiple spawn area with different priorities, at first it would do it fairly evenly, then get stuck in 5 or 6 spawn area loops, then switch to another loop.

    I switched areas around instead, so areas where I needed consistency were spawning somewhat evenly, and the one that didn't matter as much is the inconsistent spawn.

    I've learned lot about spawns here guys, thanks a lot. Mods, feel free to lock this.

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