How do you set the first spawn and respawn settings to the different teams in a custom VIP rocket race? I've deleted all the 1st spawn and respawn points on my map (except for the ones I lay down), but at the games' beginning I STILL keep spawning all over Sandtrap. I have 4 teams, and after getting nowhere with assigning them "attacker" "defender", I have them set to teams 3 through 6. Still no luck. This is driving me -no pun intended- nuts.
It should of worked it you set all four teams to different spawns. I believe that from what I remember you're not able to test if the spawns work in forge mode, but you have to test them in a custom match. I'm not completely sure though. You might want to get some other forger's opinions because I haven't forged lately.
Still workin' it out. Unfortunately, I've done all that. I test it in custom, all sets of spawn points are to different teams, and I always set the gametype to vip when I'm forging. I'm working on it right now if anyone wants to join. Sat. 10:51 Eastern time. Thanks for your advice guys.
Also... I can't seem to see/delete the default 1st spawn. I remember it being visible on foundry but I don't come into the map at any of my 1st spawn points. Grrrr...
Use spawn markers. Those things you put in the ground and they make a circle around your points. (spawn areas) and set those to teams 1,2,3,4. Like so. -/|=marker *=point ---- |*| ---- and that way those teams should only spawn in that area instead of different points. EDIT: Apparently I have to do this... :halodiscussion: