i made a 4-way symmetrical map. when i create gametypes and spawns i always do it all game specific. is there a way to make two different slayer game types (TS, multi) using game specific spawning. if so how do go about doing it?
Okay, let me try again, now that I realized you said 4-way symmetrical map. If you have four bases, one for red, blue, orange, and green, then you just cover those fourths of the map with a Respawn Zone and give them each TEAM_ONLY with the proper team assignment. For Team Slayer, only red and blue will be used. You cannot divide the map in half for blue and red, then have those areas shrink for four teams. But a four way map doesn't usually have this problem. If that is the problem that concerns you, I would like to see the map to offer suggestions. Otherwise, you can take a look at my Respawn Zone Tutorial to get an idea of how you can share bases or areas on a map for multi-team game types.