Spasis is a remake of a map I made in Reach called "Basis," only in space. Get it? space. Spasis. I thought it was clever... Anyways, Spasis is a 8-10 player symmetrical 2-base design with a central structure dividing the map in half, who's second floor serves as the primary power position on the map. To counter this is a catwalk providing higher elevation, but little cover. The last area is the Rocket Pit, which is not only the lowest, most exposed part of the map- it is also flanked by each base's Sniper Window. I have been told by a few people it has a sort of hybrid Santuary/The Pit vibe, but with all together unique gameplay. In Reach, every part of the map was used to obtain different advantages; I am hoping this characteristic holds true in Halo 4. Mid structure overlooking the Rocket Pit Mid structure interior Red Base (very incomplete) Rocket Pit & Red Sniper Window Catwalk Lift to Catwalk
I think you've done a good job of providing structure to the map without compromising on aesthetics - everything looks nice enough and, more importantly, the areas look identifiable from each other. I'd really like to see this complete and get a few games on it because it looks exactly like my style of map. What gametypes will it support? It looks like it'd be good for objective.