The 2nd Season of Spartan Warrior! has begun! If you dont know what this is, please read below: Spartan Warrior, the ultimate obstacle course is searching high and low in the halo universe to find the special kind of soldier which can be deemed worthy to be called a spartan warrior. These men must have the agility of a cat, the driving skills of a jedi, and and the aim of a robot if they have any desire of chasing the ultimate goal. This mod is based on the very popular show, Ninja Warrior, and Viking, 2 very difficult obstacle courses in Japan, which very few have completed, despite thousands of attempts. The maps with these mods follow a similar theme, whilst they increase in difficulty (1st being easy, 4th being rediculously difficult) they are all possible, and add time limits to the mix, it makes things even harder! On any of the maps, the objective is to grab all the "terror"tory markers within the time limit, and without making any mistakes, which can be anything from falling off the course, getting killed, falling off the mongoose, etc. Each stage tries to deal with one particular skill. Stage 1: 1 Minute 45 Seconds of Timing and Jumping different types of obstacles Stage 2: 1 Minute 40 Second time limit: Half is on foot, the other on a Mongoose. Currently this stage has not been revealed as no one has officially beaten Stage 1. Stage 3: Showcases a players overall technique with the mongoose. No Time Limit. While there is a stage 3 on my fileshare, this was from a previous season, it has yet to be decided whether this stage 3 will be used yet. Stage 4: Showcases the mongoose in the first half, and grit determination at the end to see if anyone can reach the top within the strict 60 second time limit! You can watch the 1st series, and the 1st episode of season 2 on my youtube channel here: YouTube - backyardgaming's Channel This is unlike any other machinima out there to my knowledge, as this is literally a gameshow inside a video game, and im looking for some victims.... I mean players to take part, and will be showcased on the future episodes. Not only that, but if anyone is able to complete all 4 stages, in ONE consecutive go (like ninja warrior) then a prize will be given. Nothing too big mind you, but none the less, something for people to strive towards. Please take a look at my maps, and test your abilities, you never know you could have what it takes to become the first..... SPARTAN WARRIORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR --- Anyway time to showcase the new Stage 1, which is now on Standoff! 1 Minute 45 Second Time Limit: 7 Main Obstacles: Obstacle 1: Chimney Climb - Climbing is simple right? Well you havnt climbed up a chimney! You better be like Santa to do this quickly! Obstacle 2: Stepping Stones - The Stones of Standoff mark the second obstacle for the course. Simple enough but dont get too cocky! Obstacle 3: Crossroads - 4 Grav Lifts cover this missle silo. Your mission is to jump over the first 2, then criss cross over the second two to reach the next obstacle. Obstacle 4: Jump Hang: Not really an obstacle (For Now!) but you could still slip up when hitting the man cannon to reach the platform for the deadly... Obstacle 5: Skyscrapers: The Skyscrapers return from the old stage 1 but these ones are much more deadly, 7 Sins of terror at different lengths apart and angles could easily make you fall victim to failing the course. Obstacle 6: Venus Fly Trap: One wrong jump and you'll be eaten alive!!!! Obstacle 7: The Warped Wall: A Ninja Warrior favourite, this now finally arrives in Spartan Warrior. The perfect timing is needed otherwise you're going to slide off! This stage is currently on my fileshare, once this stage has been proven to be too easy, it will be redesigned to be made tougher!!! You can access it on my fileshare here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Sets You can Download this map here:
Hey your pictures aren't working . get them fixed an i might download. oh and by the description sounds pretty interesting.ok ill see what everyone else says. im sorry if im wrong. There fixed. Edit: If you go by the rules it might be fun 3/5 for me sorry to be strict its just it looks like you just threw stuff together. hope to see more i think it would be better if you make it off the map it would be more challlaging 3/5. Edit 2: srry being so stricted i watched video ill give it a 4/5
Pics are working for me fine. EDIT: Updated by putting them onto an image site just in case there were problems
I have watched the show that this map is based on ALOT. I love it, so I will be giving this a dl and a rating when I play it.
Looks fun.. Very unique, i've never seen a jumping map on Standoff. I like the chimney climb, although its reallyyyy easy. The skyscraper part looks sweet and unique. qued
Conceptually, this is the best jump/obstacle map I've ever seen. I don't know how it'll play but it makes me want to hop on halo and try it out. One question though is the path strictly enforced or can you take short cuts?
This is based off the ninja warrior show? I can't really tell except for the last obstacle. This doesn't look to bad, but I can't really see what you're supposed to do if you fall off. Are you just supposed to have to run all the way back to the beginning from across the map? Not really a problem but it would get annoying.
this looks pretty cool, what is so hard about some of the challenges? I don't know... they seem relatively easy. original Idea.
It's a machinima, he films people doing the course with a time limit and if they fall, he kills them. Other people can be in the game and they get some live entertainment while they wait for their turn. I've been on the show before, ya see
The concept is of Ninja Warrior but as its halo its nothing like it. Theres only so much you can do with jumping without becoming repetitive which is why the mongoose comes into play from stage 2 onwards.
Looks like a nice jump map. I don't really like these kind of maps because i'm not a jumper. But it looks really good for people who are. 4.676/5
Oooh this is fun, I love jump maps. I'm not sure if I did this right or not, because the instructions for the grav-lift part were a bit weird, but I think I got it. I got this one pretty easily, and I am just wondering if only those who finish the previous stage get to DL the next one, just like the show. Anyway, good map, could be smoother but still fine (The bridges by the grav-lifts, and the boxes leading to the stage before the warped wall). 4/5 and PM or post the next stage please, I got this one down. Here is where I beat it.
Basically once someone has officially beaten the 1st stage (which it has) the 2nd stage will be put up before the next tournament begins. I now I should use interlocking and all that, but it kind of adds to the style of the show if I just leave it. The next gameshow im working on, The Orbidome will need alot of help from forgers, and will truly be the first machinima gameshow to showcase people's talents to make great mini puzzles etc. but more on that in the coming months as I want to rebuild the status of Spartan Warrior Again.
Just 'cause I want another one to play, you could probably use Nathon Green's Build-a-Dome. Not sure if this is the type of thing you want, but it might help get you a head start on the next stages.
Ah a remember this YouTube show. It was hilarious, and I couldn't wait for the next bits of them would come out, my fav was the one on valhalla . On the map, it definatlly looks like one of them and the skyscrapers look pretty hard. Keep releasing more
It would actually be far better on Lockout as far as scenery goes, and the helipad is perfect for where the thing could go. It could make a great forge contest if forgehub considered it. The dome would have to be similar to the Crystal Maze's dome with an entrance (which could contain a switch to close the entrance once everyone is inside) and a place for the orbs to be deposited into, that wouldnt fall out either.
Sorry to bump this, but the new episode is now up, showcasing this stage in more detail. There will be a new stage 1 for the next tournament, so stay tuned. You can watch the episode here
God damnit. We need the rolling log But yeah, looks like good fun. I've seen your 'tube channel before.