Any one have any good ones? I was thinking about making a mongoose/ Spartan Laser-only gametype. Idk I'm obsessed with that weapon and I wouldn't mind being a beast at it.
The most exotic Spartan Laser map I have played is Oddball and super speed. It worked really well on Isolation.
Erratic splazer gametypes aren't my thing. Not that fun when everybody has one and there is such a long charge time.
Unlimited Ammo 300% Speed 50% Gravity Vehicle Use: None My roommates and I played that for a while. It was fun.
This might not be a "slpazer only" gametype, but Fireworks Show on Hobo Heights (you can get this off this website) is really awesome. Hobo's tried to stay on their 'platform" while a zombie with the splazer destroyed it from below loads of fun!
Laserball. Oddball to 30 points, 300% speed, and 50% gravity. Infinite ammo, and only SL. AMAZING with large parties!
Quidditch is probably the only gametype with a spartan laser I'll play. PM insane54 about it. You get the neutral bomb in the middle, to the opponents goal. But, fusion coils, rockets, and lazers are shooting all over the place. Very fun.