After about a week, I finally finished the second version of my highly succssesful Spartan Coliseum Map, the Redux edition is much larger, cleaner, and overall looks way better then the original, haven't yet had a match on it, mostly because I finished it today. The Map can only be fully enjoyed with the custom gametype I made. I even made a logo for the gametype. Well here is some screens. This area is known as the Trap Zone, the field emitted from the machine will cause players to bounce around, and take notice of the Holograms below And lastly, heres the logo I designed for the game mode Hope you folks check it out, and as always, feedback is welcome. =]
This is a beautiful map Geo, but perhaps you'd like to tell us a little about the game-type/weapons/player traits (etc.) So we can get an idea of how it is played. Is it a team game? On the subject of aesthetics though this map is nearly perfect, I love the little details (grav hammers/ bomb plant sites) awesome job on that. The bowl itself is extremely cleanly forged, did you use ao6Adam's guide on rotation editing?
thanks for the feedback, and yea i knew i forgot to mention about the gametype lol, yes its a team game mode, players start with gravity hammers and unlimited sprint, the leading player in kills on both teams is changed to yellow, and has a waypoint over them to indicate whose leading their team in game, it may seem confusing if theres alot of yellow people around but it doesnt happen as often as you think, and ull kno there not on your team, and no I havent seen adam06's guide, but i would like to see it if you could post a link, thanks again
Sounds like a whole lot of fun, here's the article, it's a little bit technical, but you can always skip down to the end to find the easy-to-use info, Cheers, CBT