Hey guys i have made a new machinima on campaign and custom games sorry for kinda bad voice acting.... YouTube- Spartan 117 - Episode 1 http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCWfilms#p/u/0/I63KqmdiDgU
sorry but the voice acting killed it. Absolutely terrible. Its all epic and then....'hold your fire marines' in a funky voice i cant even describe.
I loved the action secquences you had, especially the one that started at 3:00. Great angles, nice choice of music, it was terrific. But everything other than that was really not that enjoyable, more so the voice acting though. I could barely hear anything, it sounded like the actors were literally eating their mikes, and I swear to god I heard a Microsoft Mike at one point. Also, you shouldn't randomly cut out the music entirely and have the camera focus on one person from the same angle everytime they are talking. The transitions need a bit of work as well.