Woah! The picture with the middle and the man-cannon looks sooooo cool. That was a great idea, and this map is very original looking. 4/5
Yeah I do admit that the man-cannon interlocked double box is one of the best lift I've seen, but I think you should of made the boxes interlocked for smooth gameplay. Also the stairs on the 5th picture down look to far in and a completely useless piece.
i did mean for the stairs to interlock that far in the box and it is of use because it is the only way to get out of that pit area. and if i interlocked it so the end of it was touching the box there wouldnt be enough room.
i forgot to mention that this map is symmetrical so whatever you see in the screenshots are exactly the same on the other side and this map took a few days to create and i spent long hard hours each of those days for about maybe 2-3 days
Looks pretty cool and thought out and yes the center man-cannon is awsome but more merging and geo-merging would have been nice and the name seems pretty odd but all in all i give you a 3/5
I'm not getting a very good impression of the map, perhaps an overhead layout would help? That grav lift hole looks mighty nice, though.
i know i know more interlocking would be better but the way i see it this map simply does not need more interlocking. and i would have interlocked a few walls and floors with more boxes but i ran out of money, otherwise i would have and i did have an overhead layout but i totally forgot about it. maybe i'll add one
the floor could use some interlock caz of the bumps when walking so if u r making a v2 interlock floor plz i will dl nad u dont have to geo merg maps are still good if even not interlock but it helps 4/5love the grav pit too.. inn the same pic the walls have holes at the bottom
Like the man cannon thing, well done, looks clean except.... tisk tisk some of the floor boxes wern't interlocked. For a great looking map I'd take a few extra minutes to interlock the floor in that one area, otherwise looks awesome and you got my DL.
i agree with camofo the floors should be interlocked so the walking/grenades go smoothly also have you thought about the foundry designer for overviews?? the link is on the row of links and stuff on top if you want more info on that i wrote on it in the link in my signature good luck ps i think the stairs are fine pss the mancannon is awesome psss dled