The Security Helmet would have fit way much better. Looks good though. Also it's space man because men would be two. I don't think two are in the picture.
Cool Screenshot, I love the effects and stuff, what map wazs that on, because I think that is mud in the lower right corner.
Nice Effect! The colors and angle of the camera shot really give it a nice aesthetic. With the blood/mud in the corner you also get the feeling of some action taking place just off camera. Like a Action pic taken by a war journalist out of a warzone, "So much going on, but here is just a taste." (How's that?)
cool shot, the br was a good weapon for this although a better helmet could be used to look more like a spaceman, the background is great though.
Intresting, I thought that was mud too.... But it looks better as mud! Anyways Good Job! Keep up the good work!