Space Tatooine OK, so this is my first post on forge hub, please be nice So basically I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 at a friends house and thought how cool it would be if some one could make a space battle map on halo 3... Well the wait is over! Space Tatooine is a relatively small map on Sandbox, in the sky. its good for about 4-8 players, and supports Capture the Flag, Assault, Team Slayer and Infection. It has two IDENTICAL (Space Ship) Bases, Give or take a few minor mistakes, Thats why I've only uploaded the Blue Base Pictures to save time Now here are the pictures!! Blue Base Left Blue Base Right Blue Base from Above The Hangar Turret Room Man Cannon to Man Cannon Now if you could please download and give me your feedback on this map here is the URL to it on my fileshare and here is my fileshare, Download the Space [gametype] Gametypes for example Space CTF, which i have made to suit this map, Thanks Thanks to AceOfSpades0707 for telling me how to put my pictures up!
Here you go: Spoiler The third spoiler shows you how to get them off of Photobucket. You need a download link too.
Code Welcome to Forge Hub. Your pictures are not embedded properly. Use this code: Embedding Images: Code: or simply select the Insert Image Icon on the advanced posting options. Looks like you already have the images on photobucket, so just correct the code and you'll be all good.
It would make it so much better if the ships were like 4 DBox heights above the grid. And the grid should have items like pallets and stuff to show you where you will die. Ether way, this is a pretty nice map.
I suppose actually :/ I might go back and make another version, with just one ship so i can fully stock it, because I completely ran out of money, and if i have one ship and just a small base for the "Attacking" team to spawn in, What do you think?
You obviously haven't used a budget glitched OLN map if you ran out of budget. I built a 6x6x6 Borg Cube with a starbase and still had a few pieces left over to build some cover.
Which budget glitch map do you use? Can I have a DL link? Also, why is this named Space Tatooine, this reminds me nothing of Tatooine.