Pat Sounds submitted a new map: Space Oddity - An epic BTB map with capitol ships. Spartans can fly in zero G and dogfight with Banshees! Read more about this map...
Soon I will be making a walkthrough video and a gameplay video to show off more of the action on the map. Until then, here are a few tips for those getting accustomed to the zero gravity physics: Spoiler: Tips: -Spartans have zero jump gravity, but grenades, balls, banshees, etc. have normal gravity. - Use the thruster pack to fly. You have infinite thrusters. - Ground pounds will allow you to land on a target, but missing one will send you tumbling into space. Be careful about how you aim your ground pounds - remember that if you are moving horizontally, you will keep that momentum when you are ground pounding. If you intend to cross long horizontal gaps with the ground pound, aim below your intended target. - If you happen to miss with the ground pound, don't worry. The teleporter net will drop you on a lifeboat in the corner of the map. It's sort of like a no-death instant respawn system. -If you find yourself floating upwards with an exhausted ground pound, you can aim with the left trigger and exhaust your stabilizer to start falling. If you've exhausted both, boost towards the middle of the level and a ceiling built out of gravity volumes will push you back down. - Spartans start with a LIghtrifle and a Hydra. Hyrdras will stay locked on to enemy Bashees, but a clever Spartan is fast enough to break the lock. -There is a teleporter system. If you for some reason play the map in regular game modes, you can use this to get around without a Banshee.
Had so much fun playing this on Max extra's forged Friday sessions. I enjoyed flying around trying to shoot down banshees with my hydra
It reminds me Jupiter. But what makes Jupiter a little better in my opinion is that the bases are 2 drivables ships with script, making the gameplay a little different. And as we are on Jupiter, it's not really 0 gravity. Nice job, anyway !
Yeah, it was definitely a an inspiration. I wish there were more space maps out there. Thanks for the comment!
Just a heads up, I believe I already told you but it seems like player traits arent assigning correcting in for the Meridian update. Surprising the map still played well as a sumo but it wasnt easy. You should try out some more space maps
If you are a fan of this map I recommend checking out the sequel, Battle School. It's a spherical arena inspired by the book Ender's Game and uses refined versions of the custom gametypes I made for Space Oddity. Enjoy!