Space Mountain

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by RK The Beast, Feb 1, 2009.


What track do you like the best?

  1. Space Mountain v1

    1 vote(s)
  2. Space Mountain v2

    12 vote(s)
  1. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Space Mountain
    Created by:
    AnF Ryan
    Special Thanks:
    Velocikiller, AnF Knight, AnF

    I created Space Mountain, a year ago from february. It became an instant hit, thus rose my popularity. Throughout the coarse of the year, many people have asked me to create a new Space Mountain. So I made, Space Mountain v2, an exact replica of the ride at Disneyland. I no longer have this track, but I am sure that many do. Also I began getting messages from people asking me to re-create the first Space Mountain, I took it into consideration, and over the past 3 days have overexceeded my vision for the new Space Mountain.
    This is a rollercoaster, rate on its feel not by its standards, i.e. cheatproof.
    Compare & Contrast v1 & v2-
    Space Mountain v1- Has 3 spirals, including the floor.
    - Has a bounce jump, and man-cannon launch.
    - Has many obstructions.
    - Has horrible transitions.
    - Little to no accent, non-infinite money.
    - 3 go-to points on a bridge platform.
    - 1 lane track.
    Space Mountain v2- Has 4 spirals, including the floor.
    - Has no bounce jump or man-cannon launch.
    - Has little to no obstructions.
    - Has great transitions.
    - Plenty of accent, with infinite money.
    - 3 go-to points on a bridge platform.
    - 1 & 2 lane track.
    Space Mountain v1..........................................................Space Mountain v2
    Space Mountain v2
    Space Mountain v1
    Download The Maps-
    Space Mountain v1 : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Space Mountain v2 : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Presented by:
    #1 RK The Beast, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2009
  2. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    aesthetically, it lacks. The walls are oddly interlocked, at different angles, and the banked corners don't flow nicely. I also don't think that this map is cheat proof... I also don't really like the small path to drive on. If you can successfully interlock everything nicely, (it will take a lot of time), this map would be dramatically improved. In it's current state, it is a 2/5
  3. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    why does this only have 2 stars??? i think its pretty good. and i dissagree with assassin above me.
    it looks pretty good. nice and big. the interlocking looks good. might want to put a gravlift or two at the end so ppl dont cheat. i think it deserves a 5/5. and a DL.
  4. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    It's quite popular, ive had a few thousand downloads over the coarse of the year without forgehub. I re did the first a little and put it on my fileshare again today, after taking it off.

  5. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    DUDE ITS A ROLLERCOASTER i.e. Space Mountain! LOL, it doesnt matter about cheat proofing, its about the ride! Try them both out first then criticize it!
  6. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Was that in the description? No.

    Also, don't put pictures side by side, it just screws up the screen. If you are going to do what you did with the two maps and pictures, list the first map, then pictures, then the second map, and pictures. Not side by side.

    Now that I just looked at the pictures instead of one after the other, I noticed it is two seperate maps, why would you even put pictures of the first one on there?

    It is a huge improvement from the first version, but honestly, delete the pictures for the first map, they aren't necessary.

    edit: changed rating to 4/5
  7. Led Pump

    Led Pump Ancient
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    Woah! The pictures are a tad bit confusing just becuase they are side by side, but I can tell that each side is a different track! I love the idea about how like you have 1 track and a re-make of it! I think that that's a bomb idea! I''lll have to download this on my friends xbox later, he totally needs to see this, I give the first one like a 4/5 but definitely the sendon one a 5/5, it looks tight, and much larger! : )
  8. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    dont listen to them man,i think it was a great idea to put the v1 and the v2 like you did,there are awesome maps and very fun to play on,and i will prolly get banned for just wrting that it is good but who cares cuz this site is to strict and i hav banned 4 times already
  9. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    nice job with this dude, i can see why you got all the downloads. the v2 looks drastically improved over the v1 (mostly interlocking). the only part that looks strange is the corner walls in the last pic, they look oddly interlocked to me but ill do a forgethrough to see whats up. 4.5/5
  10. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    I have to say this map looks amazing, and I disagree with other people saying that it doesn't look smooth. The main thing that caught my eye though, is how big it is. I almost never give any attention to racetracks on foundry, because of their lack of size, but it looks like you broke that boundary with this one, using the full limit of height and size combined with all of those materials, even the pallets things! I just have to say, awesome.
  11. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    this looks very cool because i loved that ride a disney world but their are thing that u could sooth out like some of the interlocking and a un cheat able finsh just for the racing aspect of the map over all 3.9/5 i think of down loading thanks alot make a v3
  12. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    eh, not bad. The interlocking could have been better, but im not going to judge the map before i try it. Ill DL and give it a try, it actually looks very good. i might even play mongoos snipers on it becuase it looks like a pretty big map. 4/5 from me, keep up the good work i'd actually like to see another track from you seeing as it takes skill to make a successful track (which by the looks of it, you have plenty of skill with forge). Good job!
  13. Himself

    Himself Ancient
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    This map looks great! Although it doesn't look too great for competitive play, it looks great for a casual race. 4.5/5
  14. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Yeah thanks everyone for the comments, I am almost positively sure that a mongoose snipers game on this map would be bomb, maybe some honor rules could be applied to make the game a little more fun, like dont kill the driver only the rider. Besides that, thanks for the comments everyone!

  15. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    not very good this track has areas where it is single wide, it is also not very creative and has no bordering

  16. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its a rollercoaster!
    Try the thing out, and READ!!!!!!!!!!!! the description before you post a comment.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    I love this track Ryan the V2 is soooooo much better. I am so glad you listened to me and remade the track. Nice job its so much fun. 5/5
  18. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    I like v2 better because you start on the track and there is guidence. Making a v3 would be a good idea i would D/L.
  19. blahman777

    blahman777 Ancient
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    looks like you fall off too easily. will try but i'm just say it looks a little sloppy on the walls and people will probably get frustrated on those turns. Maybe add shield doors? 2/5
  20. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    This track is actually very smooth and fun. Its a roller coaster so its supposed to be one lane and possible to fall off of. Roller coasters are for skilled drivers only.Sheild doors would make you bounce off the track all the time. Try the track and then come back and say what you think. Thank you =)

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