im new to the forums. (not new to halo or forging though.) and i was wondering if bungie will make a way to have space custom games.
There is a space area on Zealot, so yes, in that area. If you mean space fighting (in the spaceship from campaign), I believe they said that it will be exclusive only to campaign and only to that level.
There is quite a lot of potential for some sweet maps on zealot. I hope bungie gave us several forge objects to work with on that map. I can't wait to see what people do up there.
Guys, the only reason you will need to use zealot for low-g maps is if you want people to see the space around them or if you want an area on your map with low-g and one with regular gravity. If you want a low-g game, you can make a gametype to do that
Which is perfect for puzzle maps. I just hope that the map has good objects to work with. Anyway, I think OP is referring to flying sabres and seraphs in multiplayer destroying each other. Which, although it would be awesome, is most likely not happening.
Space battle+16 players=laggity laggity laaaaaaaaaaaa g space battles take alot of graphics stuff and it will probably be stressed even by co-op
Yeah like most people here already said...Zealot has a low-g box type deal thats above the regular map so to speak. If your looking for low-g just use the gametype settings to your advantage. If your looking for a good space skybox im afraid zealot is all your gonna get.
the low G space on Zelot looks awesome. i can't wait to fight in that space and also see what i can forge up there. --- and Spire looks ace too.
i dont have the link, i think i saw it on ign, but anyways i saw a video where they used the mongoose racing gametype on spire, so im guessing that we can forge the invasion maps just like any other multiplayer map, besides the firefight ones.