Map Title: Space City OMG, he has a Hammer! Everybody run!!! Played with "OMG A HAMMER" 5-16 Players Creators: LordHalo2 koray10 nzslayer117 hellishcynd3r (ownedThe Who) Download Map: Space City Download Gametype: OMG A HAMMER Description: Space City was a successful re-make of Sky-Castle and is just another version, with its own game-type. The game is on Stand-off (Heroic DLC) and has a massive ramp for an EPIC entrance. It is a 3-story high castle, built in the air. The Humans spawn at the gate, with 6 warthogs and the Alpha Zombie spawns opposite the humans, and the ramp to the tower. The Alpha has a choice, head for the vehicles, and hope there is a spare, or go to the ramp, and blast some humans with your hammer! Altogether its great fun, and I threw in some secret spots for you too! Screen Shots: Human spawns Ultimate Ramp! First Floor, with LOADS of weapons! One secret spot... Other, secret spot Thats Space City for yah! Enjoy! Download Map: Space City Download Gametype: OMG A HAMMER
you can't use images directly from bungie. Go through an image hosting site like photobucket or imageshack edit: okay you fixed them. but personally I don't think you shoulda mentioned the secret rooms of you wanted it to be secret
true but at least tell him/her what the websites are. [Photobucket] thta is the website i use, this website is real easy to work it out. First off download your hi res pictures from then got to Photobucket and create a profile. After that upload the pictures to that website. after editing the pictures click on one of the pictures and copy IMG code and then paste it to this website. I can not download your screenshots because they have been deleated
YouTube- Screenshots Tutorial - Major Halo 3 Forge Forums Use the above tutorial from now on, it is much faster/easier/better than the one two posts above me. No offense, but ForgeHub has much higher standards than this. Here are some Pros and Cons: Pros: At least you properly set up your thread...after other people corrected you. Cons: It is extremely unfair to the zombies. Look at all of those weapons! Look at all of those vehicles! And you even promoted camping spots! You couldn't have even made it worse if you tried! The map looks horrible. It looks like a mess in the sky with no use of interlocking whatsoever (Which probably would've helped). People take hours, even days, perfecting their map and polishing it. There is nothing of that in this map. "Space City was a successful re-make of Sky-Castle" Really? This is honestly one of the worse remakes I've ever seen. Come to think of it, I've made one before and even though you tried to make a new one, you failed to add any polish whatsoever. Have you even playtested? If you're still reading, you are probably either angry at me and/or really want to improve the map. If it is the latter, don't bother. The well has run dry in this section of Forge. This is one of the most overused map ever remade. You realize Warthogs have turrets, right?` Meaning they can drive around and shoot. And it looks like you just plopped them down. I'm guessing you would've done the same with the mongooses? Let me guess: When people die, they respawn exactly where they first respawned. You didn't bother to stop spawn-killing at all. Even the names are immature! "Space City"? "OMG A HAMMER"? Even if you were trying to mess around, who would even want to download something like that? I'd love to provide you with helpful feedback but my advice (if you didn't figure it out from anything above), scrap the whole map. If you want to make a new one, learn some good forging techniques and try to polish your map. Better luck next time.
have you even tried playing this map? It makes for awesome gameplay, no matter how its constructed. The alpha zombie is almost invincible, and when you get more than 6 people in a game, there really is no such thing as teamwork. The campers in my spots won't last very long. The longest game I have had on here, was about an 8 minute round! Forge isnt something you get paid for, its something I do to see, if I can make something, thats fun to play, but at the same time challenging for zombies, and humans. So under that criteria, this map is alright.
*sniff* finally someone who understands my pain. I wouldn't excactly call it a 'remake', and the name is a bit far from the 'goldilocks zone' but it is decent. The thing is, I have always hated skycastle so I cannot review it properly. Sorry...