I'm screwing around in Source SDK, the map editor that comes with Steam. I'm not great with it, but here are some pics of what I did just now, I'll update this as I get farther. ___________________________________________________________________ Yay, Texture changes, now the main area isn't grass! It's wood. With Stone coming out of it. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ There ya go Waffle.
Amazingly primitive stuff, but it's more complete than anything I've ever done. I'm just so lazy... So, is it supposed to be something in specific, or just a level?
Yeah, you could probably consider me a noob at this. And It's not really anything in specific, I'm just filling in the level. (Yes, I made it Grass, lol.) It's The hammer tool in "Source SDK" which is in the "Steam" tools menu. I play the maps through Garry's Mod, but I don't think it is restricted to that.
We're talking about level architecture, and Ravenholm is quite complex, very detailed, and has a strong focus on switches and puzzles.
sweet and you can actually play on these levels??? so its like you build from the ground up.. thats amazing!!
wow thats pretty good. Gary's mod is also freaking awesome. that game can consume hours and you look over, and you're like "what?? i've only been on for 5 minutes!!" but the map looks good compared to anything I could attempt to do. I'd try to get the program if my computer wasn't screwed up beyond repair.