This is a map my friend (Gamertag: Gunsang) made. He didn't feel like making a ForgeHub account so we're uploading it on mine. Helms Deep Siege This is based off the Battle of Helm's Deep in Lord of the Rings. Gunsang tried to replicate the progression of the story as best he could, so the map is largely based around aesthetics. However, the game variant is intense and fun (I believe). The intended game variant is Territories. Snipers on the map, one flamethrower, two gravity hammers, one rocket launcher. People have 150% gravity, 90% speed, 200% damage resistance. No shields, 50% damage. Energy sword starts. The players spawn and an instant sniping match begins. Soon, though, the flamethrower spawns and an offending "orc" can breach the wall in a flaming tirade. On the other side of the fort, a defensive player would "close the gate." Meanwhile, orcs storm the walls and attack the front gate. "Don't tell the Elf." 'Cause Aragorn has a custom power-up and he's angry! Fall back! Fall back to tke keep! At 2 minutes, 30 seconds remaining, the gates to the keep close and those deployable covers will have some backup. But orcs have a chance, if they get their hands on a gravity hammer... "Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east." "Ride out with me - ride out and meet them!" At 2 remaining minutes, the "horses" appear, and the heroes rush for one last chance. Rohirrim! To the king!
Although the map could have been done a little more accurate to the real one, it seems that the gameplay would be great (not mentioning that the gamplay is like in the movie). Anyways good map. i may give it a download if i find big party to play it with. Gameplay: 4.5 Asthietics: 4