I like the outcome, but there is something wrong i just cant figure out... any ideas? (Best viewed on FHDark) Stock: (Yes, its me) Spoiler
What camera do you use? And how do you get that surreal looking affect in the photo (you can see it more in the arizona pic)
It feels like the sig is trying to get away from the feeling the photo gives, and it makes it too awkward. Hat seems to blue and stands out more that it feels like it should. Same with the blue text, it pops too much, I think it would look nicer if it was more integrated in the sig. So-Cal is fine though. Not digging the overlay on the shirt and over the building. It has so much potential but I think you took it in another direction. I would try to keep the nostalgic feel of summer, and incorporate it more.
alright, so tone it down, bring out the actual photograph more, and give it a summer time feel? sounds good, will update with v2.
eyes gravitate to "Lifestyle" way too much. I'd go for a different color, or just tone it back. I like that it ties in with the color around your head, but its just not working the way it should be.
I think "you" needs to be bigger and more part of the signature. The text is way to far away from the focal. You have a split focal going on right now. I like the colors and the screen shot though
The colors are awesome, to start. The text is, as said by EGP, too far from the focal. I personally dislike your color and font choice for "lifestyle", but that's just me.